Chapter 21: Boring chapter I didn’t know how to do

It was late in the morning for the whole of Shanta city and the members of Elizabeth’s Paradise were all stirring awake after yet another late night of vigorous exercise – also known as sex. A few of the girls even had clients that stayed overnight with them so they would be still helping said clients – though some had …

Side Chapter 4: What it means to be a god (18+ Ahoy)

What does it mean to be a god? If it was as simple as governing an element of the world, then wouldn’t that place some rulers as demi-gods due to the sheer amount of land and people they govern? Perhaps, but there is also a simpler answer. Divinity. A power past a {Unique Skill}, an evolution even, but one could …

Time Skip 3: Surprise!

Earl, the jolly berserker as he was nicknamed in his local guild, was a popular dwarf. It was a familiar name in the city, one with respect among the lower and mid class of the city – of course nobles look down upon everyone else in Orrid so that’s the best anyone can hope for. “Huh, makes one wonder what’ll …

Time Skip 2: Fashion sense of a succubus

The sound of a certain girl whistling away, back against the wall with her arms crossed under her developing chest. Although she was still fairly young her chest was most definitely impressive for her age of 9. Her reward for this was having Leaf slap them every time she found herself distracted by them. <Totally unfair… Not my fault she’s …

Time Skip 1: Emily’s Favourite Author

“*Sigh* Why is it always trouble when it involves you three?” <Ali> “Oh, this one is an easy one! Trouble always follows the protagonist!” <Eel> “Follows, not caused by… You are most definitely the cause for your fair share missy!” <Ali> Slamming down the side of her open hand, chopping Eel’s head with no mercy causing the girl to moan …

Side Story 3: Strongest Chess Match

*Clack**Clack**Clack* All that could be heard or seen in the dark room was the sound of wooden chess pieces hitting against the board. The board itself was made from a mixture of Agar and Grenadil woods expertly placed in a light blue, mithril, metal frame. In other words, it was quite expensive. Likely not even something a king could afford …

Side Story 2: Birth and growth

A very unusual man made his way through the forest far east of Shanta – stumbling like a drunk though based on the unmarked, opaque bottle in either hand this was likely the case. In front of him would soon come a slight opening where the snarling whimpers of a wounded beast could be heard as well as the slashing …

Chapter 20: First Time

Despite complaints Eel & Emily completed their first job and surprisingly managed to hand it in with no issues occurring. <Though I’d prefer to train than pick weeds again… Guess I’ll just do that!> And so, the pair would return home. ***   When the pair arrived home they would indeed begin training however combat training was in the morning …

Chapter 19: Names, places and jobs~

“Hm… I see so that’s what he said? I suppose it’s best to pretend we never heard that… You two can you two read and write fine?” <Aggy> Currently the two girls and two women were both back in the waiting room while Eel & Emily filled in forms. These forms obviously for the pair to join the guild properly …

Chapter 18: Never interrupt someone who’s monologuing

It didn’t take long for the trio to be taken under the {Adventurer Guild} where they would find a large ‘training ground’. Even less for them to make their way down and begin Lyada’s test. It would have a dirt floor with seats on all three sides – the only side lacking a resting place would be that attached to …