Chapter 9: A Brief respite

Reason sat in a simple old wooden bed, in a small room with a single old desk. Simply staring out his room’s window looking outside. Not focusing on anything, just looking, and thinking to himself. A bowl of food slowly going cold on his side. After Reason had been able to carry Markus back to the village, they had been …

Chapter 8: The Woodland Scramble

Kuran, Oskar and the rest had been walking through the forest for a couple of hours now, the sun while still lighting land was beginning to reach its end cycle. So far, the venture through the forest had been relatively quiet. Though they were still a distance away from the area that the chaos worshippers had attacked.             Blake took …

Chapter 7: The First Night

It had been several hours since the group had begun to move towards Esterwood, the sun had now set. Constantly on guard and taking detours in order to avoid any potential run-ins with the chaos. Shawn personally thought they were moving slower then they should. Though everyone else may say otherwise. For the rest, having to travel through dense foliage …

chapter 5 a simple wolf quest(2/2)

Reason and Markus analyzed a trail that led to dense bushes further ahead. “Wolf tracks.” Said Markus. “Yeah, looks like they’ve dragged things through here.” “Well then, everybody be ready to encounter some wolves, cause we’re going in.” With that Markus pulled out his longsword and crept forward, Reason followed suit with William and Mary sticking close behind the two. …

Chapter 5: A Simple Wolf Quest(1/2)

With the sun reaching its peak Reason and his party move toward the village, he couldn’t help but feel that something was off about this quest. Something about commissioning an entire party of adventures to deal with a few wolves seemed off, regardless of level. Reason in his entire life had never recalled wolves being a major problem in his …

Chapter 4: Into the woods(2/2)

“Is papa going to die?” Bonnie asked strolling through the brambles and trees. Shawn stepping over a fallen log said, “No he’s got quite a few hours before he bleeds out.” “Are these herbs going to help papa?” “Probably.” Shawn replied as he walked around, eyes scanning through the foliage. “Will anyone attack us?” “Unlikely.” “How do you know so …

Chapter 4: Into the Woods (Part 1/2)

Shawn was in a foul mood as he walked through the trees. They had backtracked for almost an hour, staying away from the path. Why me? Why couldn’t this be Blake? Why did I join the back? I could be in the city! Blake might have died! It would have been great! Shawn’s stream of thoughts were interrupted by Sara’s …

Chapter 3: An Adventurer’s New Journey

It was a bright and sunny morning when the adventurer entered the Adventurer’s Guild. He was covered in armour that wasn’t commonly seen in this area of the world. He wore a helmet that was made up of several metal and leather plates all riveted together, hanging from that was a neck guard with layers and layer of overlapping lame. …

Chapter 2: The Road Towards Adventure

It was a bright sunny morning, a perfect day for travelling and the long caravan trail seemed to agree. It snaked its way along the trail to Esterwood city, the front of this trail were only a few hours away from entering the city. The middle of the caravan line was navigating its way through the dense forest. The tail …

Chapter 1: A Beginning of Reason

Under the clear night sky, a full moon offered a silver glow on the land below, through the dim light, the last sparks of a battle could be seen.             A man with raven black hair that seemed to absorb all light that shown on it and eyes blacker than night, stood their staring down his opponent. Sword in hand, …