Chapter 46: Concerns And Curiosity

*** (Third Person.) As the sun shone its brightest inside the kingdom of Inizio, inside the castle at the office of the king’s adviser, Herbert Conroy. He was currently standing while looking out from the glass window beside his office chair when someone knocked on the door. After a few seconds, clad with full-body armor, the knight captain, Callan Adelaide …

Chapter 45: Revolution

The procedure of transformation of the entire town began.  Karoon immediately launched multiple facilities in the Fang and Marionette factions, but we were fully aware that it’s not enough to make jobs for everyone because it would still take a considerable amount of time for the new establishments to build and start to operate, so Tanya decided to finally open …

Chapter 44: Vow

A race who were born to destroy, with only their insatiable bloodlust as their drive of existence. Is that what kind of person I have become? I leaned my hand on the stone barrier of the terrace I was in and looked up at the starry sky. It’s already midnight but I couldn’t sleep. Maybe because the impact of the …

Chapter 43: Remorseless Destroyers

As the night arrived, all of us sat on the white rectangular white metal table in Tanya’s mansion’s dining room. However, Leo was no longer in here because Mehrad came and picked him up by force because he has things that he had to settle about the demolition of the discontinued slave shops. And as expected, Tanya kicked the 2 …

Chapter 42: Heart

The farmers called for us to join them in their lunch. They lay the food on a pot over the grassland under the shelter of a huge tree at the edge of the farmland. The farmers were scattered throughout the area, some of them were stationed at the far part of the farmland, that’s why most of them couldn’t join …

Chapter 41: Sources And Products

Tanya toured me around the mine system and explained the products that have been produced in these cave systems, and she also said that it’s only one of the several mine systems we have. To my surprise, the mine system was much larger than I expected it to be. The mining system was divided by multiple smaller mineshaft lines about …

Chapter 40: Kindness

After dealing with the slaves, I picked Misha up. Her smile immediately emerged on her adorable face the moment she saw me return. Then, we rode in the ridiculously grandiose white carriage that Tanya appointed to pick us up. As we arrived right in front of the mansion, Tanya was already there waiting for us with Karoon and Gareth. We …

Chapter 39: Absence And Freedom

Another morning arrived again at the town of Agrona. Mister Rudwick bowed his head on me upon seeing me walk down from the stairs, at the same time, Emily approached Misha who was holding my hand. “Let me take care of her for a while,” Emily said while extending her hands towards Misha. On the other hand, Misha stared at …

Chapter 38: Second In Command

“Now, let’s move on to the main topic of the discussion. Changing the town of Agrona. As I observed, there’s not much livelihood in this place. Due to the violence happening around the town, the shop owners are quite hesitant to hire new faces in their businesses, which is sensible. But we have already talked about the violence inside the …

Chapter 37: Hatred

I cleared my throat as I stared at the 3 people sitting in front of me while I was standing. We were inside the living room of Tanya’s mansion to conduct a meeting. It’s a good thing all 3 of them agreed to come and Tanya didn’t reject my request for me to perform the meeting in her mansion. Although …