Chapter 26: Superior Variant

With Kuro leading the way, we walked towards the center of the garden where everyone was gathering. On our way, Leal’s butler and maid-themed mercenary members gathered at the side of the cemented pathway and bowed their heads on us. “Greetings, Master Leal and new faction leader, Casimir.” I nodded at them and continued. As I looked back from our …

Chapter 25: Spriggan

*** (Third Person) As the sun slowly fell above the sky of the lawless town of Agrona. Inside a certain mansion located in the innermost part of the territory of the Spriggan faction. The current leader of the Spriggan faction Tanya put some of her silver hair at the back of her pointed ears as she shifted her gaze upon …

Chapter 24: Covenant

“I don’t hate you, Casimir. You look like a very kind person, but… I can’t… I just can’t.” He shook his head while looking at me with distress in his eyes. “Don’t ruin everyone’s life just because you felt like it.” While shivering he slowly moved towards me and raised his fists. “I don’t think you can still fight. It’s …

Chapter 23: Bad Matchup

I aimed my hands at him and blasted both the Fire and Electricity magic at once, but as expected, he’s so fast that he dodged my attacks almost easily. But thanks to the effect of Warrior’s rage and by activating the skill Extreme speed I became much faster than him and managed to catch up on him. I blasted my …

Chapter 22: Leal

“Go kick his ass, boss!” I exhaled as I entered the arena and went straight to the middle. As I walked, the roars of the spectators resonated throughout the place, with some of them jumping due to extreme excitement while looking at me from the audience platform where a tall wall was separating the arena and the audience platform above. …

Chapter 21: Marionette Faction

I yawned as I stared at the energetic demon in front of me flexing his muscular arms. Along with the loud roars of the spectators huddling around us in front of the faction base. First thing in the morning, this is what I got after a devastating drinking session last night! He faced me and pointed his index finger at …

Chapter 20: Goal

The party continued and Leo kept on drinking as if tomorrow will never come. However, I stood up when I saw some familiar faces joining the crowd while eating. I approached them, all at once all 8 of them immediately stood up the moment they saw me. They were already done when I arrived. I smiled. “Woah, isn’t it the …

Chapter 19: Celebration

After a few minutes of following the security personnel as what they called themselves, we finally reached the venue. And oh boy, I think all of the citizens of this faction’s territory are here! The celebration was taking place in the middle of a huge road under the moonlight. Lights were everywhere with the crowd of people cheering at me. …

Chapter 18: Visitors

I raised my head as I stepped inside the inn, finally free from the eyes gazing all over me. “I think they all like you,” Misha said while holding my hand. “I just hope so.” I found mister Rudwick standing at the counter while smiling at me. “Welcome back, Master Casimir.” “Please not you too.” He gently chuckled. “Congratulations for  …

Chapter 17: Leader

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the pair of Misha’s blue eyes looking at me while sitting next to me. She gasped as soon as she saw me open my eyes and hug me. “Big bro Casimir!” “Don’t worry, I’m still kicking.” Misha smiled at me and leaned her head on my arms. I wanted …