Chapter 126: Warlord

The morning had come and the sun shone once more on the surface of the town of Agrona. I stretched my arms as I yawned and stood up from my bed. I left my room and walked down the staircase to go to the dining room when I heard not-so-familiar voices coming from the dining room. I furrowed my eyebrows …

Chapter 125: Which Path

As the sun went down and the night dominated the sky, the gentle wind blew on us. I closed my eyes as I felt the gentle wind slowly brushing my hair. As I opened my eyes again, what greeted me was the scenery in front of us, the lights gradually brightening the dark place. As I looked up, what greeted …

Chapter 124: Proposal

After eating the ridiculously massive and delicious whole roasted boar, we decided to get out of the marketplace and walk around different areas of the town. After hours of tiring countless rounds of eating and strolling, we reached the central part of the Spriggan faction where a massive roundabout and grassy open space was located. There were no benches around …

Chapter 123: Motive

With my narrowing eyes, I stared at the 2 people watching me with smiles on their faces. We were already walking around the town for hours now and had eaten tons of food. Currently, we were inside the marketplace of the Marionette faction because Karoon told us there was tons of good food around here. And based on what I …

Chapter 122: Revisit

After a few minutes of the journey, we finally arrived at the location where I was told where Prince Dieter was. The carriage stopped right in front of a crowded street food shop on the side of the road. I narrowed my eyes while wandering my gaze throughout the place. “Where is the prince? I don’t see any grandiose carriages …

Chapter 121: I Had

*** (Casimir Kismet.) I sipped from the cup of tea I was holding and put it over the white metallic table before veering my eyes towards the massive open grasslands in front of me. “I’m glad to see that you are fine now, Leal.” I turned my gaze to Leal sitting across from where I was sitting. We were currently …

Chapter 120: Peace

*** The Holy land of Amarantha, the very center and currently the strongest kingdom of all humanity. In front of the white towering castle was a massive army consisting of tens of thousands of warriors standing with such valiant in their stance. With their foreheads high up while facing the great castle in front of them. Preparing for an incoming …

Chapter 119: Aftermath

*** A few weeks after the devastating defeat of the prominent Hive mind legion against the town of Agrona, the grim news immediately erupted throughout the entire humanity. Of how an army consisting of 6000 personnel, a boasted destructive bombardment force, and a powerful commander returned with only a small fraction of what it was. Rather than roaring cheering, what …

Chapter 118: Intertwined Fate

We strolled around the market and checked tons of shops. After some time, we decided to walk towards the Marionette faction next. I wandered my eyes as we walked through the road of the Marionette faction. The place was busy due to the establishments that were currently in ongoing construction. We stumbled upon people carrying sacks of cement and metal …

Chapter 117: Perfect

I peeked my head out from the edge of the back alley before joining the crowd inside the marketplace of the Fang faction. I bowed my head and pulled the hood covering my face. “Uhm looks like they can’t recognize me anymore.” “Great, now, let’s go check out the shops around here,” Tanya answered while walking beside me. She was …