Chapter 106: Myrtle

5 years had passed since that incident, and thanks to the support of the people close to me, I changed. I was already in my high school sophomore year and I finally got rid of my violent behaviors. At least, most of them. I walked down the staircase and ran towards the dining table where Irina, mom, and dad were …

Chapter 105: Memories

Those memories that I thought I have already forgotten, they’re coming back again. “Mrs. Kismet, your son has been constantly getting in a lot of fights. And what makes me feel concerned is that his way of fighting is too violent for his age. Last time he tried to beat his classmates with a metal bar while laughing. To be …

Chapter 104: Sky Devourers

The 20 flying steel giants ravaged the entire forest with their destructive yellow light coming from a compartment at their lower part. The light they were generating was continuously surging down without any signs of stopping. Each of them was far up to the sky, where I could not even attempt to reach. They were traveling in a very slow …

Chapter 103: Dark Elementalist

Dark Elementalist, huh? By activating my skill, instantaneously, the entire area around us was engulfed in black flame, burning everything around 50 meters around me, leaving nothing but ashes behind. “What just happened?” Commander Einar asked with his voice filled with confusion. With his shivering eyes, he stared at me while raising his sword. I snapped my fingers and instantly, …

Chapter 102: Commander Level

In a blink of an eye, the person standing a few meters away from me disappeared and instantly materialized right in front of me while waving his sword.  I activated my Extreme speed to dodge his attack, but he immediately followed it up with another powerful slash with his sword. He’s so f****** fast and strong that a literal cyclone …

Chapter 101: Gratitude

*** (Casimir Kismet) [Skill [Hive Mind] was acquired.] [The ability to communicate with the individuals that the user considered as allies. The number of allowed receivers is unconditional as long as they are within the area of the range of the skill.] This is the skill behind the Hive mind legion. It only means… “Are you alright, Kuro?” I shifted …

Chapter 100: Duty

The trees within a certain area in the forest were disrupted by the powerful swing of a sword. In one swing of his sword, the trees surrounding Commander Einar were demolished, clearing the area around him. While the receiver of his devastating attack jumped in and aimed a kick toward his face. However, before Kuro could reach him, the entire …

Chapter 99: Reason

*** [Commander! The Shadow fairy is wiping us all out! We need assistance here- ahh! Stay away! Damn it! Don’t come near me!] [Commander! This is Captain Kaspog, we are currently fighting against Leo the Invincible! I am requesting immediate assistance!] [Commander! We are currently under attack! We need assistance! Wait… is that a giant minotaur?] [Commander! Commander! This is …

Chapter 98: Dark Triad

Inside the vicinity of the forest near the main entrance of the town of Agrona. A brutal battle was taking place, an entire troop was fighting against a single enemy. “Captain!” Leo threw the lifeless body he was holding releasing his bloody hand on the dead Captain’s chest. “That’s the 9th Captain.” However, the troop who lost their Captain didn’t …

Chapter 97: Suffering

Inside the forest near the Spriggan faction, where a certain someone’s footsteps were sounding from the dry leaves as she walked. Looking straight in front of her, Tanya stopped while narrowing her eyes. Suddenly, a silhouette emerged from the thickness of the trees and jumped directly at her. “Tanya!” What came next was a destructive strike of blades that instantly …