Chapter 81: Yellow Turban Rebellion

Emperor Ling’s court was filled with corrupt eunuchs and infighting. The borders were in constant war, the nation decrepit. And because of the national drought, the harvest was poor yet no reduction in taxes. In 184 A.D. Zhang Jue revolted against the Han Dynasty on March 5th with the slogan, “The Azure Sky is already dead; the Yellow Sky will …

Chapter 80: Pacifying Yi State

Seven days of fierce attacks and struggling defense later, Jiangzhou City fell. But not without a price asZhong Yu had only 30,000 of his 120,000 recruits surviving. As if 10,000 people died per day, bringing a whole knew meaning to ‘life had no value’. The price was worth it though as there were no other major problems in taking down …

Chapter 79: Siege (II)

Rumble~ The sharp whistling of boulders cutting the air left many with aching ears. Bang~ The three meter wide boulder smashed onto the wall and rolled onward, crushing all defenders in its path. It kept going and going, flattening anything to paste, squeezing its victims for everything they had into the soldiers. Including the walls, and the people; It left …

Chapter 78: Siege(I)

January 184 A.D. Wang Fang reached  Yizhou Region with ease from his cruel reputation. He took it without a hassle and went down to Yongchang Region. The counties east of it surrendered. Only the barbarian chiefs in the west gathered an army of 100,000 men to fight Wang Fang. The enemy had no discipline and with a bit of coordination …

Chapter 77: Buried Alive

“It’s only been a day and my lively friend from home is already dead somewhere.” “The same happened to my neighbor. He had a 61 year old mother to support. Having not married and neither did he have a son. Now he is dead.” “These men of Shu don’t even see us from Nanjiang as men, 30,000 of 80,000 just …

Chapter 76: Yunnan Region

December 183 A.D. The north was swept by blizzards and high snow, with everyone staying inside. While the south was still warm and green. Wang Fang entered with his men in Yuegui Region;15 counties and 408,405 people accompanied him. Zhong Yu refrained from purging the clans in the eastern six regions of Yi State, out of fear of the people’s …

Chapter 75: Split Army

December 183 A.D. Luoyang, Que Fei Palace. Emperor Liu Hong, the lord over the Han Empire was sitting on his throne in this glorious, extravagant and imposing palace. Liu Hong wore a red imperial attire anda crown with twelve black tassels. The beads hanging from them blocked his features, but not his pale complexion, somewhat ill. No matter how sick …

Chapter 74: Breach

The second division of cannon fodder took place of the first; then the third, the fourth and the fifth. Wave after wave of men found their death on those walls. The process continued until two hours were left of daylight. The retreated divisions were reformed. The 30,000 men from Zitong Region had gone through digging moats and assaulting the city …

Chapter 73: Siege

The archery divisions came to a halt and inspected their bows. “Ready arrow!” The leader shouted and the first 1000 men on either side of him obeyed. “Fire!” “Fire!” The 2,000 arrows whistled through the air and rained down on the unwitting guards on the walls. They just watched in awe as the deadly arrows came to a squelching stop …

Chapter 72: Bow

The dawn was welcomed with the loud sound of bugles from the barracks. The recruits and captains assembled outside, got in formation, had chow and took it easy before going into the thick of it. Zhong Yu showed great concern for his men’s daily routine. He gave them meat at every meal, even if just a little, but he made …