Chapter 32: Obedience and Defiance

Zhong Yu wasn’t making things hard on them since it was his first tribe of a hundred he captured, and had to show some respect.                         Being too hard on them would make future conquering harder, needing to fight every last tribe in his path, with the constant battles grinding down his forces. It was just not worth it, only delaying …

Chapter 31: Accepted Surrender

At Zhong Yu’s order, the soldiers opened a path for the shaman to reach him. With how narrow it was, Anji would have to stay behind, leaving the shaman to face Zhong Yu alone. Five steps from Zhong Yu, the shaman found himself staring at swords, the cavalry hinting in no uncertain ways, ‘That’s close enough.’ With this place capable …

Chapter 30: Forced Surrender

“Those yellow-skinned demons came to kill us and we only have twenty fighters and no warriors. What do we do? How do we push them back?” The sapless grand elder was the first to balk under pressure and give in to despair. “Stop panicking. Since they’re here we’ll just have all capable grab a weapon, even the women and children. …

Chapter 29: The Tribe’s Unrest

Rows of troops welcomed the new day with discipline, marching out of the fledgling city, Luoyang. Leading them were Zhong Yu and fifty imperial guards in rows of five. The majestic guard had its bright armor shining in the sun’s glow. In the middle were the 300 recruits with tense faces from fear of the unknown and what was to …

Chapter 28: Choice

Ye Yuan, the man who stepped forth first the other day had gone through private school for a few years and knew how to read. It was a name he gave himself, to express his future full of promise.     But it all fell apart with the Yellow Turban Army’s arrival. He didn’t lack anything in his home, but then the …

Chapter 27: The Weak

The rest, following their leader’s example, knocked their head on the ground, making the noise of a bang as soon as impact. “We wish to enter the vanguard and give our lives to lord for our crimes. We ask that Lord forgive us criminals, so that we may serve you forever!” Their heads banged again and blood seeped, dying the …

Chapter 26: Gratitude and Hatred

Walking out of his residence, Zhong Yu arrived at a newly built square for public events and an announcement..  Under people’s shock he appeared with fifty soldiers as escort. As he stood above as he scanned the crowd with a firm gaze,stopping on the people and recruits.  That chilling and hard gaze made their skin crawl as they panicked and …

Chapter 25: Cavalry

Ever since the Yellow Turban Army changed their attitude, he realized a ruler didn’t need pity or feelings. Every death and every loss was just a number in his eyes. No matter how large the number got in his pursuit for power, he wouldn’t bat an eye. This was the basic mentality of any emperor. Thus the appearance of the …

Chapter 24: Imperial Guards 

[Imperial Guards Trained since young in deadly skills and seasoned in the way of battle. They may not have an ability or great power, but each man can hold back ten, meaning they were elites. Morale: high (they will face any challenge without fear.) Loyalty: undying (they will follow their lord’s commands to the letter and without question) Size: 100 …

Chapter 23: Loyalty

Grasping public opinion meant grasping the world! This saying as old as time itself had received all kinds of interpretations. Zhong Yu’s version: ‘What is public opinion? Making the population recognize your rule is so much better than another’s. Giving their all for you so that you will return their efforts many times over.’ Public opinion only came out in …