Chapter 22: Public Opinion

There was no need to fret now that he had the green recruits’ protection. Their loyalty was still trustworthy. After being vagrants for so long, they met Zhong Yu, who offered them shelter, safety, food and wives. Every basic need was covered, living in better circumstances than their previous lives where every moment could be their last, whether from starvation …

Chapter 21: A Soldier’s Crisis

Following Denel’s death, the savage army’s collapse was guaranteed as forty people fled in panic, leaving Anderson’s thirty all alone to face the enemy. Zhong Yu called his remaining 40 soldiers and made them form a slow circle around the enemy. While both groups were somewhat balanced in terms of men, their morale was a different story. An army’s effectiveness …

Chapter 20: No Mercy

As Denel was boxed in, he felt like a cornered animal, waving his weapon wildly. It didn’t take long for the ground to be soaked in blood and littered with hacked limbs. There were people going for him while endless corpses were falling. They had all become crazed, their minds degenerating to one single thought, to kill him. As reason …

Chapter 19: The Carrot and the Stick

The commander might change, but a man’s goals didn’t. The adage was the perfect description for this situation. If someone would’ve told Denel this, he would’ve understood as well.  The savage army’s hopes at victory rested solely on Denel. He was the man with the power to grasp victory, but if he was to be removed, then the outcome would …

Chapter 18: Fickle

Denel was totally confident in his strength, as he was stronger than everyone in a 50km radius. A typical tribe warrior could hunt beasts by himself, tigers, wolves and lions… Those that could hold their own against half a dozen enemies were in the first rank. Every tribe cherished them, making them team leaders of ten men.  Going further we’d …

Chapter 17: Reversal

He was an unseen force, perhaps even Denel’s ancestral spirit, moved at his plea.This ancestral spirit was similar to the totems worshiped in ancient China. The wilderness was filled with fear and the unknown, because of this, it could take one’s life in a blink of an eye. The people ended up revering everything. If a beast killed many of …

Chapter 16: Disadvantage

“Dun~!” The Chinese war drums beat echoed as Zhong Yu’s side marched forward, walking as one body.  The savages looked dumbstruck, with some needing the chieftain’s explicit chiding to get back into their position. From the moment Zhong Yu annihilated those small tribes, he knew the day would come he’d fight the biggest two. For this reason, he spent the …

Chapter 14: Pity

With the refugee camp and Lady Luck’s careful nurturing, or maybe it was just the system showing mercy for his plight, he got a total of 1800 people from the camp. This was a great relief to Zhong Yu. Including the 600 savages he already had,there were now a total of 2500 people which should be able to, according to …

Chapter 15: Prologue to War

“My Lord, our scouts report the two tribes have amassed troops, around two hundred, and are marching towards us.” Zhong Yu listened to the panicking soldier scrambling to him. Zhong Yu ignored the soldier’s state, his smile ever present as he shouted, “Let them come. I’ve waited for so long, I thought they’d never show.” “Tell Wang Daniu to assemble …

Chapter 13: Budding City

While the Edson and Monla tribes were in unrest, you’d wonder what our dearly beloved protagonist would be doing right about now. Well, he was peering down at the refugee camp from the closest hill. Wang Daniu handled the refugees who were delegated to cutting down trees and building houses nearby the hill. They would serve as their housing which …