Chapter 20: Aftermath

I walk away from the crowd who celebrate our victory against the monster wave. It has been a few hours, and the sun is almost rising in the distance. It is good to have a drink from now and then, but I become bored drinking the same thing for a few hours non-stop. However, before I could walk far away …

Chapter 19: Storm

I can hear a warcry in the distance, and I know the battle has already begun. I place Darnell as the captain of the vanguard. Varun became the leader of the shock and awe unit. They will be the one that attacks the monster in front of them using their weapon for a moment before retreating before the monster could …

Chapter 18: Calm

When my vision is back, I see myself in the middle of a village surrounded by forest. “Thank you for coming!” I snap from my thoughts and look to my left. There is a group of people wearing leather armor and holding a weapon in their hands. The one that talks to me is an elderly-looking elf wearing a white …

Chapter 17: Meet the crew

I get out from the operation and give the last bow to Rhan-Tegoth before walking away from the room. There is no reason to insult a powerful being for not respecting him. I know that Rhan-Tegoth has already met so many dick people and got used to them. However, there is no reason to disrespect him for it. I walk …

Chapter 16: First Outside Mission

“Hermione, what do you think?” “Hmmm, I think we should take the ‘Native’ perk when we decide to take a mission in another world.” Today is the day I decide to visit another world to take a quest, and right now, Hermione and I are discussing the strategy we should take before we go. “Native perk, huh?” |Native| |This perk …

Chapter 15: Bishop

I take Hermione to my room inside my castle after the party is over. I never thought to see an adult crying over some food. I guess eating something delicious after a long time eating only tomato soup is worth crying for. Anyway, after the party, I took Hermione to my room. “What can I do for you, master?” “Please …

Chapter 14: Interlude

|Hermione Granger POV| I nervously look at the ground and see if my clothes are good enough for the people that are coming here. They are people from another universe. Yesterday, I was searching and researching a spell that can take us away from this hell hole. The earth where the He-Who-Doomed-Us-All, Voldemort, decides to tickle the dragon that is …

Chapter 13: First Waifu

“Welcome back, Riser! What can I do for you today?” I smile at Yuni and say. “It is good to see you again, Yuni. The reason I came here is to buy my first waifu.” “Finally! You are the only person that decides to delay this long to buy your first waifu.” “I just want to prepare something first.” “I …

Chapter 12: Time Skip

|Riser Phenex| |Race: Devil| |Class: C| |Bronze Membership| |Patron: Shub-Niggurath| |Soul Points: 3723| I nod my head at the point I have gathered in these five months. In these past five months, I finished many missions posted by the company and my patron, from gathering a rather rare item from around the underground and killing a monster in the wild …

Chapter 11: After Purchase

“Now you have bought a pocket dimension. What’s the next thing you want to do?” I look at the Archdevil and say. “I honestly did not know. The only reason why I get this pocket dimension is to prevent me from using other methods of getting waifu.” “Ah! Contract waifu, huh?” “Yes. I know I should not talk about moral …