Chapter 20

Yang: But why did you do that?! Tirips: I told you that your opponent is much stronger than you; you lack the experience to defeat him. You have yet to learn the ability to judge one’s power at first glance. But Don’t worry, once the match is over, I will give you back the control. Yang: I wanna ask why …

Chapter 19

Yang was focused on the book that he found interesting. He read the book relatively quickly and learned many new things regarding the information he was searching for: “Contract”. Also, he managed to learn how to go back to his unmatured knowledge sea, and he was having a conversation with Tirips. Yang: So basically, I will have to find and …

Chapter 18

A few days have passed since Yang woke up, and during that time, he learned that he was out for about a week; also, Yang was given a new change of cloth, and he got rid of the bandages on his body to dress up. After that, Yang spent most of his time flipping through some books that Mig brought …

Chapter 17

After Tirips entered Yang’s body, he fainted and found himself in that black world with the blue skeleton. He was looking at the skeleton, but now he didn’t feel anything, and he could move perfectly fine without feeling restricted. Yang: What happened? Why am I back in this nightmare? ???: Nightmare? I don’t think so. Yang looked around, and he …

Chapter 16

After Yang was pulled in to the crack in space, Mig tried to go after him, but she couldn’t enter the crack. She tried everything she could, punching kicking the crack, but nothing worked. She decided to wait patiently, so she sat down in front of the portal and waited. Hours went by, but she stayed there without moving. Snow …

Chapter 15

Yang wanted to turn around, but Tirips punched him on the head, sending him flying. Yang was blasted through all of the pillars and crashed into the wall. The next thing he noticed was that Tirips grabbed his leg and threw him across the other line of pillars, completely destroying them. Tirips: I thought you were stronger; it seems I …

Chapter 14

Yang was barely standing on his legs, but he endured it. He lost a lot of blood, his vision was blurry, and he could no longer focus due to the pain he felt. Yang: It seems I am more durable than I thought. The monarch stood up, and his smile got even wider and more sinister, and he started clapping …

Chapter 13

After the maid of higher beings left, both Mig and Yang were left speechless and shocked. Yang: What…just happened? Mig: I-I don’t know… she was terrifying. Yang: I think I will go out for some fresh air. Mig: I think I will do that too. Both of them went outside, but they were shocked once again, for the snow in …

Chapter 12

After the two men from Xusu Pavilion was utterly defeated by Yang and then left, Yang continued his cultivation. While he was cultivating, he found himself in a black, void world in which he was floating. He was looking around and couldn’t see anything except one thing. That very thing was a blue skeleton sitting in front of him just …

Chapter 11

Yang: Imagine. Imagine. Imagine… Yang was sitting still with his eyes shut, and he was concentrating. While he was focused, a weak, barely visible blue aura appeared around him, and it was covering his whole body like an extra layer. He was sitting like that for minutes until a sudden burst of wind erupted from him. The force was weak …