Chapter ?

Hello guys! It’s been a while since I entered this site, umm… I just want to let you know that the story was not dropped and is still going but I never bothered to upload chapters on this website because I barely get any views here. Right now, there are over 50+ chapters available on W***********/ScribbleHub/R******** link: https://www.w***********/book/a-thousand-reincarnations-overcome-my-destiny_22851878405591005 Thank you …

Chapter 10 : Revlo Mason vs The Elven Princess 3

After Elvina chanted her spell. A familiar scene happened before Revlo as thick roots and vines headed his way to attack him, but the difference was that the roots and vines that made up the spell looked bigger, stronger and was faster. Revlo did not use the same spell to counter Elvina’s last time and said. “Death Spell : Wither” …

chapter 9 : Revlo Mason vs The Elven Princess 2

In the academy, duels are composed of three rounds where the first person to land a hit on his/her opponent will be declared as the winner of that round. The first person to win 2 rounds will be the victor. Although duels can’t simulate an actual battle between champions, it was still a good indicator at judging another’s ability In …

Chapter 8 : Revlo Mason vs The Elven Princess

If Revlo were to be honest, he would’ve just ignored this arrogant elf’s duel request. It was too bothersome and its not like Revlo doesn’t like to fight or anything, he just had nothing to gain from this and as someone who usually has a limited time to live, Revlo treated every bit of time he had as precious as …

Chapter 7 : Duel Request // The Power of A Demi-God

Seeing a boy running towards them that had an appearance that is 70% similar to [The Lightning Demi-God], the guest all raised their brows and with their vision, they scrutinized him up and down. They had visited this place on several occasions before but they rarely would get a chance to see the eldest child of the Mason household. They …

Chapter 6 : Magic Core Method

Novice-rank, Intermediate-rank, Expert-rank, Master-rank and International Master-rank. The first 5 levels and the most populated rank category that determines the standing of a champion, usually the higher the rank the higher someone’s combat ability. How do you know which rank someone belongs to? Do you have to wait for them to fight and show them their power? Or do you …

Chapter 5 : Indolence

“Hey Bastard, where has that kid gone off to again?” A beautiful blonde woman with green eyes yelled who strangely enough had a golden halo on the top of her head, this was not an accessory, this signified of someone of the angel race, this was Revlo’s Mother in this current life, Celine Mason. The angel race is a mighty …

Chapter 4 : Overcome My Destiny

After all the reincarnations he had been through, after his 21st reincarnation, he no longer tried to get close to the families that he had been born in and never made any friends. The pain of leaving his loved ones behind over and over again made him indifferent to relationships, this was formed because didn’t want to face the sorrow …

Chapter 3 : A Thousand Reincarnations

On his way home, Revlo felt immense pain but not on his physical body but on his soul. It felt like a pair of hands was grabbing his soul very tightly and tried to rip it out of his body. “Aghhh!” He clutched his head and screamed, but he was in the middle of the forest where he used as …

Chapter 2 : Where The Journey Began

It was a rainy day, a boy wearing a school uniform was holding an umbrella on one hand and an Iphone in another, he checked the time on it and he stood by waiting for the pedestrian traffic light to turn green. “Sigh, when is this rain gonna stop? It’s been going on for a whole week” The boy said. …