Arc 11 Chapter 253: Pool

Air bubbles escaped out of Akira’s mouth as he was pulled and pushed down the dark water passage. The hundreds of grabbing hands were not gentle with him. They slammed him into the smooth stone wall one second and then pushed him down away from the wall immediately and into another wall. He was continuously bouncing from wall to wall …

Arc 11 Chapter 252: Bump in the Night

“Where?” asked Akira. Dolph pointed behind them and everyone turned around to look at the dim gray walls. If Dolph hadn’t said anything, Akira would have not noticed it. With every second that passed the light behind them was slowly, ever so slowly growing dimmer. Akira turned back to the path ahead and saw that the light was as bright …

Arc 11 Chapter 251: Entering the Ancient Dark Dwarves Mountain

“All of you with wounds will stay out here and recover,” said Akira as he walked up to the front of the open entrance and peered inside. It was quite dark inside and the only thing he could see from where he stood was three branching tunnels that led deep into the mountain. “What’s the plan?” asked Dolph. “We can’t …

Arc 11 Chapter 250: Guarding the entrance

Akira walked down the smoky pathway that was only wide enough for three people to walk side by side. As he moved as silently as possible, he stayed close to the statues hiding in their shadows. The hair on Akira’s furry neck was raised as he had an intense feeling that the statues were staring at him as he passed …

Arc 11 Chapter 249: Black mountain

Without showing any fear, Grarr lead the way deep into the forest jumping over the burning logs of fallen trees and agilely making his way through the maze of the tall slow-burning trees. The air was thick with smoke and gray burning ash which fell from the sky like fresh snow. Fluffball had given up trying to run through the …

Arc 11 Chapter 248: Capture them!

The fierce blizzard continued to push outwards creating more space between the blizzard’s windy walls which shot up into the sky and the outer cities walls. Inside the windy walls, the sound of loud cracks and shattering ice could be heard along with the roars and Toots coming from the southeast. As the blizzard wall pushed out the massive swarm …

Arc 11 Chapter 247: Full attack

BAM! The Molten onyx infected swarm slammed into the advancing allied armies’ shield wall causing it to halt its advance. The warriors and their commanders stood firm with the white holy lights covering the very front line of soldiers in the shield wall. The strength of the shield wall’s defense was largely due to the three main commanders, Varbu leading …

Arc 11 Chapter 246: On the river

Akira walked out of the cramped temporary wooden building that he was sharing with several other officers. The cold morning wind slammed into him and filled his lungs making sure that he was fully awake by trying to freeze him. The officer’s and soldiers’ temporary housing was not that far away from the outer city wall and gates. This was …

Arc 11 Chapter 245: The main culprits arrive

A dark mist covered a large portion of the allied forces that stood solid using several rows of heavily armored soldiers to protect the walls of the outer city. It was the Darkness domain of Akira that was boosting the morale of the soldiers it covered while blinding the enemy and disoriented the basic infected that wandered in. These rows …

Arc 11 Chapter 244: Battling the Ratman army

The combined allied army moved out of the outer city’s opened gates like a flood. Akira and the Garg Calvary exited the gates first and fanned out into formation as they waited for more infantry to form up behind them. Akira watched as the army formed up and then without another word nudged Grarr to begin the charge forward. Kodria’s …