Arc 11 Chapter 243: Push them back

“Lord! We’ve spent all of our ammunition!” shouted the Omega officer of the Busters. “We’ve done all we could to stall them and whittle down their forces. Let’s hope that Varbu, Prince Gobbers, Captain Wullcot, and the wall commanders have finished their last-second preparations,” said Akira. “Did we kill enough of them?” asked Klyn. “It looked like we only managed …

Arc 11 Chapter 242: Whittle down

There wasn’t much useful stuff in the Ratmen’s camp seeing as they were armed with very basic weapons and armor and the food they had was… less than appetizing for someone with a normal brain. Even so, the werewolves spent several hours scavenging all the armor and weapons from the tents and the dead bodies. Akira knew that Delgar and …

Arc 11 Chapter 241: Drive them back

Six days passed. Kodria and its 3 main armies, were in full readiness waiting for the coming enemy. The civilians all quietly huddled inside their homes to ward against the cold winter and the frightening outside world full of so many enemies. Akira and Fluffball were getting in some last-minute training with the Cavalrymen before the big fight when… “Awwwooooo!” …

Arc 11 Chapter 240: Prepare

“Are you sure that there will be a wave of enemies arriving in a week?” asked Frang. Frang walked next to Akira along with the other two main wall commanders as they walked through Kodria’s castle stone hallways heading to the main meeting room where the grand elders along with Advisor Samuel were waiting for them. “Yes, I’ll explain more …

Arc 11 Chapter 239: Ancient battlefield of darkness

Hovering behind one of the thousands of ancient gravestones was a transparent squared jawed dwarf warrior with a thick beard that reached his belly. Both Fluffball and Nox, although slightly worn out from the fight, were now on full alert. “Grrrr!” Fluffball let out a low warning growl after he was unable to smell any scent from the floating ghost. …

Arc 11 Chapter 238: Gem holder

[Experimental Chimera gem holder lvl 145] Akira stared at the creature sitting still in the middle of the graveyard for a long time. He was having a hard time trying to figure out what he should do. The white fog that had been swept away from the two wyverns’ battles, was once again gathering at the bottom of the mountain …

Arc 11 Chapter 237: Foggy forest battle

Fwoosh! A strong wind swept through the white fog above Akira’s head, clearing the sky above. Boom! “Skreeeee!” “Kreeeee!” Akira crouched down deeper into the misty fog near the ground and held his shield over his head as he watched two large flying creatures far above him repeatedly slam into each other. [Bryer lvl 151] [Stone Wyvern lvl 150] Akira …

Arc 11 Chapter 236: Winding Windy Paths

“What the…?” Akira looked at the Wind spirit for only a few seconds before he walked forward into the tunnel that was no longer blocked. Because of the unusual fight with the wind spirit, Akira was more cautious as he took his time walking down the new path. He needed to catch his breath and regain his energy spent on …

Arc 11 Chapter 235: Wandering Wind spirit

Ding! You have entered the Wandering Wind spirit dungeon! Akira had only passed the door when he had received the notification. “What the…? Fluffball, be on guard, this is not a normal tunnel. Nox, come out,” said Akira. Both Nox 1 and two jumped out of Akira’s shadow and stood to the left of Akira while Fluffball stood on the …

Arc 11 Chapter 234: Wind

Pain… Akira’s body ached all over. The cold winter mountain wind tugged at his body which was no longer transformed. It continued to try to push and pull him from where he lay. Akira slowly sat up and braced himself against the wind that was growing even more fierce. He checked his body to see how bad his wounds were. …