Arc 11 Chapter 213: Spear fishing for danger

“Get back here with my arm you damn bone thief,” shouted Captain Pegleg as he chased after Fluffball. Fluffball had quickly found the arm in the large snowbank but when Pegleg asked him to hand it over… he refused and ran off forcing Pegleg to chase after him. Even though Captain Pegleg was just bones and could walk easily on …

Arc 11 Chapter 212: Three way

Akira and his guards quickly formed into a small square formation as they exited the trees and moved forward to quickly help Fluffball and then bring him back to the defense. “Faster! Build the walls faster!” shouted Pegleg slapping one of his officers on the head. The head was knocked off and smacked into a tree causing the skeleton to …

Arc 11 Chapter 211: Rival

Rodger sat at his field desk inside his field tent. He was currently reading several reports using the dim candlelight. He, as King, had spent more time away on a warpath to kill all the [Molten Onyx] infected, than he did governing the kingdom at the capital. He wrote letters to his wife periodically to reassure her that he was …

Arc 11 Chapter 210:  Three Branches

Inside the Castles meeting room in one of the far corners sat Samuel who was quietly working on some paperwork. “Thanks for helping my sister and the grand elders with keeping the castle running,” said Akira, as he walked over to him. “It is my job, and purpose in life. There is no need to thank me,” said Samuel as …

Arc 11 Chapter 209: Disappearing treasure

“…they just kept coming out of the dark fog that covered the woods and swarmed down on us attacking the demigods and wiping them out,” said Akira finishing his explanation. He sat at a small campfire inside his wide command tent with several other people. “What is their strength? Did you see what exactly they were?” asked Snuwball, a cold …

Arc 11 Chapter 208: Joining the fight

The cavalry that had been hiding behind several large snowbanks exited their hiding after the howls of the werewolves finished and had clashed with the demigods drawing their attention to their left flank leaving the right flank wide open. The mixed force of allies, some riding the large gargs, others riding the gray and nimble reindeer found around the local …

Arc 11 Chapter 207: Meet in the middle

“Fella you need to stop and think about this. We have only been giving them free horses and it is costing us a lot of gold that we should be saving,” said Bland. “We can just take the army and crush them. Whenever we met them, they were only gathered in small groups,” said Fela. The two were sitting inside …

Arc 11 chapter 206: If fail try again… and again

Present day Foradverold. It had been less than a week since Akira and the army he led had started to encounter the Demigod raiding parties on their way to Jerora. Every small group they encountered were always surprised and unaware that a large army was moving around in the lower northlands. The raiding demigods were only expecting to have to …

Arc 11 Chapter 205: Clean up

Vania capital of Vussia. “Your majesty, we were able to find one of the sellers who sold the banned potions,” said the fully armored guard captain as he knelt in front of the large throne. The guard captain dared not raise his head and look directly at the queen. He fought to keep his body from shaking as memories came …

Arc 11 Chapter 204: Molten Onyx Necrosis Affliction

Rodger had to wait on the ground for over a minute covered by the bodies of soldiers. The weight on top of him was crushing but he could still breathe. As the soldiers and guards that were not wounded, began moving again, they came over to help remove the wounded soldiers piled on top of him. When all the wounded …