ARC 10 Chapter 174: Hell training

Ding! You have gained a loyal follower Zundar Rockpelt. “So how exactly did you end up here fully covered in stone?” asked Akira who was sitting next to Zundar. “Hmm…my head is a bit fuzzy still due to just waking up after sleeping for so long,” said Zundar as he scratched his chin and tried to put his memories into …

Arc 10 Chapter 173: Zundar Rockpelt

A week passed by with the majority of townspeople working on the long outer wall that stretched all the way around the town as well several of the buildings far behind the castle keep. Some things in the town were being neglected so that the wall could be built faster. The rest of the workers not working on the wall …

Arc 10 Chapter 172: Warm months arrive

During the winter months, Akira was focused on training the new warriors until they had reached the status of a soldier. The navy went through a similar but slightly different training so that they could fight both on ships as well as on land in rare cases. When he was not training the warriors he was focused on helping the …

Arc 9 171: Cute source of money

The Blizzard had calmed down to just a light blowing wind with a light dusting of snow just as Yuki said it would. Now Akira, Mileena, Maya, and Azura, stood near the rear of the castle as they looked towards the open snowy land below. They watched as a small group of people spread out in a rectangle started chanting …

Arc 9 Chapter 170: The unknown group is…

“What!? The lakes are not even frozen! I saw it earlier today. Even with all the snow and cold wind, there was not even a hint of ice on top of the lake or the river!” shouted Klyn. “It could be a special skill that the demigods have!” shouted Akira just as worried as Klyn. Akira and the small werewolf …

Arc 9 Chapter 169: Blizzard

Over the next few days, Akira was very busy. In the morning he oversaw the training and selection of the new warriors that would be added to the army, guards, and naval marines. In the afternoon he managed the construction of the three new forts and the trade plaza. “Let’s go and inspect the finished product,” said Mileena as she …

Arc 9 Chapter 168: 3rd tier town

“Can my men and I camp near the edge of the lake until the runners from my clan return with the items we have for trade? You have my word of honor that I nor my men will cause any problems,” said Crulak. “Akira?” asked Carl. “I have no problem with it,” said Akira. “Then I think we have finished …

Arc 9 Chapter 167: Crulak

While Akira was out hunting nearby monsters with the army the grand elders were making sure that the village was functioning well and continued with plans Akira had given them to build several new buildings for the village. There were several new village school buildings being built in different parts of the village. At these schools, the kids would be …

Arc 9 Chapter 166: Navy

It was early morning when Akira returned from a memorial at the newly created cemetery out near the woods behind the castle keep. The first people to die while living in Kodria were now buried there. The families of the dead had received a small sum of gold as compensation for their dead sons and fathers. It was not much …

Arc 9 Chapter 165: Army’s first fight

“Halt! Shield wall forward!” ordered Akira as the mines came into view below them. Around the entrance to the mine, there were somewhere around 100 stone gray-skinned male warriors with stubby spikes coming out of their heads. Each of the warriors was wearing what looked like a light set of fur armor made from some unknown type of furry monster. …