Arc 7 Chapter 113: Loyalty and Honor

The large group was able to make it back to the city without any major incidents happening. Either the enemy had given up or they had lost track of where they had gone and were still trying to find them. Everyone felt the tension slip away as they passed the werewolf sentries and entered Bluemoon city. Surprisingly Ermergerd and the …

Arc 7 Chapter 112: The chase

The reinforcements led by Brutus had run all the way to Swormp in order to try and capture the werewolves so they could interrogate them. Now they were out of breath and sweating like crazy. The heat and humidity in the swamplands was no joke. “Where are the rest of you men captain Jehon?” asked Brutus looking at the remaining …

Arc 7 Chapter 111:  The city Swormp

“Halt who goes there?” asked the gate guard from the top of the small city’s wooden walls. “I am Ermergerd of the Bluemoon clan.” “Why have you brought such a large group here what do you plan on doing?” asked the guard. “We’re just here to talk with some people. We also need to buy some supplies if you are …

Arc 7 Chapter 110: The Elders decision 2

Most of the cleanup of the caves was finished when Akira left the central cave, so after he had informed Varbu of the elders wish to talk to him, he started to look for something else to do in order to ward off the boredom. “Hey Coinin, is there a forge here?” asked Akira. “Yes, there is one next to …

Arc 7 Chapter 109: The Elders decision

After Redbeard explained everything the situation calmed down leaving the two cousins to stare at each other and hopefully get along. Everyone that was not an elder or grand elder was forced to wait in one of the many large hidden caves while the elders discussed what to do with the current crisis. When a half-hour past with nothing to …

Arc 7 Chapter 108: Emergency Tribe meeting

The cold wind flew through the feathers of a large eagle as it flapped its wings. Smoke from a small burning town blocked its view forcing it to flap its wings to rise into the air and ascend through the clouds above. Several minutes of flying passed before the eagle tucked its wings in it dived into the moist clouds …

Arc 7 Chapter 107: New daily routine

Akira, Klyn, Varbu, and Chack all sat outside the main room waiting to hear the results of their hard work. The shaman that had been chanting all day had already stopped and left to recover from the exhausting day. They only had to wait a short ten minutes until Hegir walked out of the inner room. “Akira, Klyn, thanks to …

Arc 7 Chapter 106: Heatwave illness

It was early morning still an hour or two before the sun would peep over the horizon. Akira was sleeping comfortably in his own bed still dreaming of all the tasty food he had eaten the other day. Bam!Bam!Bam! A loud banging on the houses front door woke Akira from his pleasant dreams. “Grand elder! We need you, It’s an …

Arc 7 Chapter 105: Feast under the moon

The light in the sky was getting dimmer as the sun dipped down under the trees allowing the moon to take its place. “We should head over to the main bonfire where the tables are being set up. The games will be over soon and the area will become crowded. It would best if we get to our tables before …

Arc 7 Chapter 104: Day of celebration

Morning of the celebration. The sun had yet to rise but Akira was already up and was outside on the large balcony. During the night before he did not have time to put all the bonus points into the usual stats because he leveled up during the ceremony, and when he had returned to his room he had fallen asleep …