Arc 5 Chapter 63: Mileena

Akira sat behind the wooden booth that he had rented for one silver. It only took a few hours of waiting before he was able to sell more than half of the junk he had been accumulating. He received a decent amount of gold for all the items sold, which would have just taken up space in his bag if …

Arc 5 Chapter 62: Jabooty

The three bandit brothers led Akira and Varbu to their temporary camp where they began to pack up their belongings and handed over some of the extra food and water they had to Akira and Varbu. After what seemed like multiple hours of walking Akira was beginning to think the Bandits were either lost or trying to pull a trick. …

Arc 5 Chapter 61: Lost in a desert

Tibia stood in the dark hallway inside of one of the many secret meeting places. She had been called along with her mentor to appear before the heads of the secret organization. She was only a little nervous since this would be her first time meeting any of the leaders. One of the large black stone doors was pushed opened …

Arc 5 Chapter 60: On the run!

The night air was still warm from the days scorching desert sun. Bang! Clang! “Ahhh!!” “Protect the chief!” shouted a burly warrior with two furry cat ears on top of his head and a tail to match. “Don’t worry about me protect my daughters! You damn bandits why are you doing this?” shouted the village chieftain as he fought two …

Arc 4 Chapter 59: Unexpected end

Akira, Varbu, and Nox were able to easily clear the next floor without much trouble. Varbu was using his upgraded weapon with great success clobbering everything into mush. Everything was going smoothly so they proceeded to the 5th floor. The sweltering heat of the fifth floor made it hard to breathe for both Akira and Varbu and had no effect on …

Arc 4 Chapter 58: Hidden forge

Akira added the new bonus points to his stats and looked at his stat window for a short time. Akira’s attention moved from the stat window to the new skills he had just learned. He read and reread the information on the skills multiple times trying to absorb everything. These skills were so cool! By the look of them, they …

Arc 4 Chapter 57: Second floor

Akira stepped into a hallway that had numerous passages branching off in every direction. “Which path should we take?” asked Akira. “Let’s just pick the one in front of us and keep going straight until we either run into a dead end or find the stairs to the next floor,” suggested Varbu. After making sure their equipment was still in …

Arc 4 Chapter 56: The Dungeon is where?

When Akira returned to the city he was met by the castles royal guard captain who had been waiting for him near the gate of the city. “The queen has ordered me to escort you back to the castle so you can give her your report on the mission,” said the captain. Varbu and Larf tried to follow but the …

Arc 4 Chapter 55: Fire Stone

The suns early morning weak rays of light broke through the thin clouds lighting up the land that was filled with fresh snow. Akira was leaning against a fence just outside the city gates watching the local adventures gather nearby. He had switched out of his new clothes and was now wearing his armor. The group of adventures had all …

Arc 4 Chapter 54: Banquet

Jezebel and Akira stopped before the large ballroom doors that were currently closed. “We’ll have to separate here for now since I’ll have to take on the duties of being the host. You can mingle with the nobles if you want, just don’t get too friendly. There are a few snacks ready, but make sure not to eat too much …