Arc 4 Chapter 53: Preparing for the Banquet

Akira had been tortured late into the night. The torture technique was called ‘Jezebel’s super-powered crash course in etiquette’. Guaranteed to make you look like a noble or you will get hit on the head by a wooden stick for free. For the first time since he had know Jezebel, he was able to see her serious side and it …

Arc 4 Chapter 52: Important news

“Seize him!” said Jezebel, her voice sharp and full of anger. Piet stepped forward to properly guard the queen and gave a hand signal to the nearby crimson guards. Four guards stepped forward to capture Willy Wong. “I won’t let you take me alive!” screamed Willy Wong. He hurriedly scrambled to his feet and extended his left hand that had …

Arc 4 Chapter 51: Don’t touch my stuff

Jezebel was sitting in the large conference room at the head of a large wooden table along with the king. The top ministers of Vussia were gathered around the table discussing a wide variety of important things that had to do with running the kingdom. The talks had already been going on for a few hours now and Jezebel was …

Arc 4 Chapter 50: Is someone trying to kill me?

“Look over there! There are two bodies!” a male voice shouted. Akira heard the shout behind him as he jogged into one of the many side alleys that led towards the [Demons Inn]. He cursed himself for using up all the potions he had bought back at the magic guild in Fregoldawae and not buying more. The two city guards …

Arc 4 Chapter 49: Late into the night

Late into the afternoon, they continued to chat, not caring about the time and missing a meal. The king sat silently in his chair the entire time not daring to interrupt the queen. If he did, who knows what she would do to him with that fierce temper of hers. Although Akira told Jezebel of many things that had happened …

Arc 4 Chapter 48: The Queen

The magic guild spy did not head towards the magic guilds main office instead he stealthily ran towards a large plain unmarked building. As if expecting him an older male stood in the doorway with his face shrouded in darkness due to a baggy hood covering most of it. “Inside now,” barked the old man. As soon as he entered …

Arc 4 Chapter 47: Meeting?

Akira and Varbu walked back to the Inn to eat a meal before deciding what to do next. The Inn was quiet with only a few shabbily dressed people sitting in the dark corners secretly whispering to one another. Before Varbu and Akira could sit down the youngest of the three teenage boys ran up to Akira. “Did you get …

Arc 4 Chapter 46: Shopping

The next morning. Akira and Varbu were sitting at an old wooden table in the common room of the Demon Inn’s first floor. The old wooden table was stained from countless spills of unknown food and drink over the many years it had been in use. The two of them were slowly eating the last of the rations they had …

Arc 4 Chapter 45: Capital city Vania.

Akira stood in front of the man who looked like death had taken him long ago. Varbu stood behind Akira watching ready to help subdue the captured man if he tried to escape. “What’s your name?” asked Akira. There was no answer. “Are you one of those weird perverts?” asked Akira not beating around the bush and asked what had …

Arc 4 Chapter 44: Haunted?

Akira and Varbu searched through the destroyed and damaged stores to find the supplies they needed. Before leaving the store Akira placed some silver coins into the cash box on top of the stores damaged counter as payment for the items they took. “That trick you did with your sword how did you do it?” asked Varbu while they walked …