Arc 2 Chapter 23:  Mine Your Manners II

It was still night time when Delgar and Akira finally cleared all but one of the branches in the last tunnel. They had been unsuccessful at finding any Aorium ore so far. There was an abundance of iron and copper ore which was nice but not exactly what they were looking for. “This is our last chance to find some …

Arc 2 Chapter 22: Mine your manners

“Is it really that dangerous?” asked Akira. “I don’t know how dangerous it is, because I have never gone inside. The only thing I know is that no one has exited the mine after entering. So the mayor had it blocked in order to stop people from entering. I myself have often wished to enter the mine in order to …

Arc 2 Chapter 21: Hammer and anvil

Akira and Delgar sat at a table in a dim corner of the tavern quietly drinking. After multiple large gulps, Delgar slammed his now emptied glass onto the table and let out a loud belch. The table was cluttered with multiple empty plates, most of which had been emptied by Delgar. “What did I tell you? This place sure can …

Arc 2 Chapter 20: New Friend?

“Huff, huff,” Akira kept running forward breathing hard. He kept looking behind his shoulder every few minutes to check and see if he was still being followed, causing him to almost trip over his feet. Why was he running? Because he had gone slightly insane and lost his mind last night. He had felt invincible, the power he had while …

Arc 2 Chapter 19: Paranoia and Exotic Cooking

Akira left the village at dawn the next morning, getting up along with the farmers who went out into the fields to begin their daily work. Even though they had more work to do now that the fields were free of the Blood bunnies, They moved about with more energy and high spirits as they worked. The people cheered and …

Arc 2 Chapter 18: Hop along

While Akira was walking back to the monastery he quickly put his bonus points into Strength, Stamina, and Vitality. Akira opened his stat window to check his current condition. “Wow! The numbers of all the stats have moved up a lot rather quickly. I did feel like I was getting stronger, but now that I can see it in numbers …

Arc 2 Chapter 17: Nest

Akira was eating his breakfast in his room while sitting at the desk next to his bed when he heard a knock on the door. “You can come in,” said Akira, after quickly swallowing a mouthful of food. The person who entered the room was Freid. “Sorry to bother you so early, but I have other things to do this …

Arc 2 Chapter 16: Rats

After Akira finished his morning exercises, he washed the sweat off his body with a hand towel he retrieved from the basin of water. After cleaning himself, he put on his clothes and then equipped his chest armor, sword, and his shield. “Alright! I’m ready for whatever today’s quest is!” said Akira, fist pumping the air before leaving his room. …

Arc 2 Chapter 15: Relearn

It had taken Akira a little over a week to fully recover from wounds that, without using any potions, would have bedridden others for months. His fast recovery astounded Asher who had checked up on him every day. Akira sat in his bed as Asher was inspecting his wounds one last time. “Well, your wounds seem to be fully healed. …

Arc 2 Chapter 14: Broken

When Akira opened his eyes the first thing he saw was an unfamiliar wooden ceiling. The bed he was laying in was quite comfortable. ‘I’m still alive, but how?’ Akira asked himself. He slowly moved his head and looked around the room. It was empty save for the fireplace, a small wooden desk with a chair, and a mirror hanging …