Arc 12 Chapter 323: Pyrrhic Victory

Over a couple of cold winter weeks, the Tri-pact army was able to solidify its position and land around its territory with the help of Kodria and the [Full Moon] guild. It was at this time that they had begun receiving grim news from near the northern border of the Tri-pact dukedom. When several wounded and shabby refugees managed to …

Arc 12 Chapter 322: Consolidating the Tri-pact

Several days march north of Trine [Formerly known as Begus Dekus]. “Stop them!” Fwoosh! A colorful light flashed as a skill was shot out from the demigod who was shouting. He was on top of a small wooden wall that encircled the small village that their guild had captured some time ago. A handful of other demigods stood atop the …

Arc 12 Chapter 321: Trials

The civilians of Begus Dekus, many in ragged clothing, all silently lined the side of the main street and watched Duke Begus Dekus walking ahead of Akira who was pointing his sword at the duke’s back. Walking on Akira’s left was Orud Mun and Red and on his right was Balue. Behind them was the rest of the ragtag army …

arc 12 chapter 320: Battle for Begus Dekus

“Looks like they really have been working on some big upgrades to the defenses of the city…” said Akira as he lowered the collapsible spyglass. He and the mishmash army that was made up of werewolves, humans, and Ogres were currently standing on a decent-sized hill to the east and well out of the range of the enemy’s attacks. Begus …

Arc 12 Chapter 319: Overcoming multiple roadblocks

A force of roughly 200 or so local human villagers, who were all poorly armored and equipped with weapons, blocked the path of Kodria’s combined cavalry and mobile infantry force. “Stop where you are!” shouted a demigod who stood behind the army of humans. “You have trespassed into the Begus Dekus dukedom’s territory. Leave now!” shouted another demigod who was …

Arc 12 Chapter 318: A local hunter?

A large force of Kodria’s cavalry continued moving north after disembarking from the navy’s transport ships which had helped them cut down on a large portion of their travel time needed to reach the Begus Dekus dukedom. Akira had decided to use the sturdy breed of white-bellied elk used by the coldpelt cavalry to help pull several sleds that held …

Arc 12 Chapter 317: What’s going on in the north?

Ignoring the notifications, Akira looked to the northeast where Balue had been engaged in battle with the [💀 Vile Snow Toad]. But there was no sound of battle nor was the ground shaking from either the [💀 Vile Snow Toad] or the [💀 Gray Coiling constrictor]. Everything was strangely silent save for the cold wind that was blowing up from …

Chapter 316: The culling: Final wave!

“Today’s wave of attacks should be the last of the attacks, right?” asked Klyn. He was standing next to Akira and the other officers on the 1st wall of the outer city. “Should be,” said Akira as he switched back and forth between two distant areas where loud disturbances could be heard. One was coming from the east where the …

Arc 12 Chapter 315: The culling: second wave

While the soldiers were cleaning up the battlefield and gathering materials from the dead monsters, they found that there was a high chance of finding a poison monster core that was perfect for equipping the weapons of the soldiers in the army. “Have it added to the high-priority tasks for the blacksmiths. There should be enough to equip the elite …

Arc 12 Chapter 314: The Culling: first wave

As Kodria’s preparations were nearing as finished as they could be, Akira was growing antsier as he waited for something, anything, to happen to break the torturous waiting for the unknown event to happen. He had little to no idea what it would be just from reading the few short sentences from the notification. But he knew it had to …