Arc 12 Chapter 313: Coming Storm and new allies?

 Several days of hurried preparation could be seen throughout both the inner and outer city while the river forts and southern fort all received massive deliveries of dried rations, arrows, and medical supplies. All of Kodria’s forges were working long hours every day trying to get as many arrows, bolts, and repair jobs done for the army and city guards.  …

Arc 12 Chapter 312: Next stage!

“So this is the rumored Kodria that I have heard about? … it looks smaller than I expected,” said  Balue as he looked at the southern fort and barracks where the cavalrymen and Garg’s lived. “Ahem… that’s just the southern fort… the inner city of Kodria is over there and the outer city is there,” said Akira pointing towards the …

Arc 12 Chapter 311: Everyone gets a free Attack

Far to the north of Akira at the new town Bent-Gii. “Gi~!” shouted Prince GobGob on top of the town’s new and sturdy stone walls. At his command, a wave of arrows shot into the air and rained down onto the charging enemy. “AH!” several cries of pain rang out as some of the arrows hit their targets. Even with …

Arc 12 Chapter 310: Balue

As the last of the sunlight was disappearing Akira and the rest of the cavalry arrived at the nomadic town and asked around about guest lodging. “Is that the building they were talking about?” asked Akira, who was looking at a well-worn building that looked like it had been dismantled and rebuilt at least several dozen times if not a …

Arc 12 Chapter 309: Start the Plan!

With the enemy completely wiped out, the large Blue dragon calmly flew over to the large ice walls that were now going under emergency repair. Boom! Its large body landed in front of the ice wall sending out tremors and a large puff of snow into the air. The soldiers on the walls could not help but shiver from fright …

Arc 12 Chapter 308: Fierce Battle at Yuki-Onna capital

Two days later two of the scouts that had been sent to the south were the first to return and they had grim news to report. Inside the command building the officers were listening to King Fross read the report out loud. “Two forces are gathering at the nearby frozen lake…” said King Fross as he read the note given …

Arc 12 Chapter 307: Deep Southern Activity

Several weeks before, deep in the south past even the most southern werewolf clans. A fierce cold wind blew the soft snow past a small mountain that stood out in the dark land that was covered in darkness, snow, and ice all year. Inside a large hidden cave at the base of the mountain, there were several people gathered quietly …

Arc 12 Chapter 306: Luck or Misfortune?

“What’s taking him so long?” asked a hidden young male voice coming from the shadows. “Why are you still here standing next to me?” asked an older man’s voice. “Because… don’t you think this is pointless? Shouldn’t we just tell him about all of this and get a guaranteed reward?” “What? Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet?” “It’s not …

Arc 12 Chapter 305: New Armor set

After enjoying the last few days of the harvest festival with Mileena and the twins, Akira could not put off the several pressing things that still needed to be checked up on. He left the castle with only Fluffball, Dolph, and Vilkas and headed towards a certain blacksmith shop. Loud construction noises could be heard coming from the castle where …

Arc 12 Chapter 304: Secret project

After spending the rest of the day enjoying the harvest festival with Mileena, the two returned to the castle and relieved Maya and Azura of their babysitting duties. “Was there any problem while we were gone?” asked Mileena. “No more than usual,” said Maya as she pushed her glasses back up her nose. “It was nothing that we couldn’t handle …