Arc 12 Chapter 303: Harvest festival and looking to the future

The crowd was silent as they watched the newly sprouted [Child of the World Tree] finish its quick burst of growth. “Everyone!” shouted Akira, drawing their attention away from the tree after some time. “Let the harvest festival begin!” Another loud cheer swept through the entire outer city. With the start of the harvest festival, it officially marked the end …

arc 12 Chapter 302: Legends and Myths are real

Akira woke up in his own bed and yawned as he squinted at the dawn light pouring in through the window. Today was an important day for many reasons, so he could not stay in bed and rest even if he felt tired from all the fighting and the travel to and from the [Steps to Doom] dungeon. As he …

Arc 12 Chapter 301: Rewards and Cleaning up Breakfast

A Floating blue swirling portal appeared above the platform lighting up the surrounding area and revealed a large chest that had a large floating red key next to it. Akira had a hard time moving toward the chest as parts of his melted armor were cooling down and hardening. “Here let me help you get out of that ruined armor,” …

Arc 12 Chapter 300: The Fight with Doom

As soon as the lunching feeling in his gut and the swirling light disappeared, Akira held his shield out ready to bash any [Furry Abyss] monster that had been pushed into the dungeon’s guardian room before him. But he was met with silence and darkness for several seconds as he adjusted to the heavy darkness that covered his sight. Sounds …

Arc 12 Chapter 299:  What the hell are they doing?

Akira and the others with him rushed up the large steps to see who was fighting. As they reached the last few steps before stepping onto the checkered platform, several colorful skills flew high over their heads and exploded out in the dark abyss lighting up the area for a few seconds. “Why are you, the [Cunning shadow] guild, attacking …

Arc 12 Chapter 298: Steps to Doom

“So how’s their training?” asked Akira, who was stuck behind a desk in his office finishing up all of the paperwork that had been piling up while he was out on his adventures hunting bandits and demigods. “Which group? The new demigod recruits or the members already in the [Full moon] guild?” “Ah yeah… I still need to set a …

Arc 12 Chapter 297: PePo!

Although the average member of the [Full moon] guild were not as strong as most of the gathered demigods, with the help of Kodria’s soldiers there was no major problem. Only a few wounds here and there came from the battle but they were quickly healed by the holy shamen and Sister Teresa. When the cleanup from the quick battle …

Arc 12 Chapter 296: Expanding the Full Moon guild

The morning sun was only just fully rising from the horizon as the minor lycan members of the [Full Moon] guild arrived back at Kodria’s south fort. “Did we finally make it back to the fort?” asked Rondie while wiping the sweat from her forehead. “Why do I feel like this was all just an excuse to have us help …

Arc 12 Chapter 295: Show me what you got!

In the northern town of Togower. A trio of shabbily dressed young men secretly trailed a small group of demigods around the town by pretending to be carrying large wooden boxes to an unknown destination. The boxes were empty and only being used as a prop to allow them to stay close to the demigods so they could eavesdrop on …

arc 12 Chapter 294: Main character

Akira woke up from his deep sleep feeling fully rested even though he had slept in the rocking chair and not his bed. Mileena was still sleeping next to him in her rocking chair. After such a long night of trying to take care of Wyt and Silvy, she looked like she would be out for several more hours. He …