Arc 12 Chapter 283: New Human dukedom

Far to the north of Kodria and the other southern territories held by the demon races, the pace at which territory switched control between the guilds was cooling down as the top guild’s strength started to solidify in the areas that they managed to keep under their control, even after daily raids by several other smaller guilds and groups. Although …

Arc 12 Chapter 282: Playing with fire

“Okay… and is that all you want?” asked Akira with gritted teeth as he tried to hold back his anger while his muscles tensed up ready to fight.  Dolph and Vilkas also shook their heads to clear them and placed their hands on their weapons once again ready to draw them. “Tut tut, you’re no fun. I’ll see you guys …

Arc 12 Chapter 281: What do you want?

Reeekree left the Inn not wanting to stay any second longer than necessary. His departure was so quick that Akira could not ask him when he would be able to meet with chief Raibread. “All of our large rooms have already been paid for in advance up to the next week. If you want to stay here you’ll have to …

Arc 12 Chapter 280: Meeting old acquaintances again

“Halt! Why have you brought such a large army here?” shouted a Ramia city guard from the top of one of the sturdy walls of the Madu stronghold. Tanner looked to Akira who nodded back to him. The Garg that tanner was riding took several steps forward to stand out from the crowd. He held Kodria’s flag high so that …

Arc 12 Chapter 279: Some Nobody That Got Lucky

“We’ll stop here for a short rest,” said Akira pointing to a thick cluster of trees that could provide them the only shade on the wide open grassy planes that surrounded them. Akira hopped off of Grarr and stood there for a moment gazing out at the large green grassy plane that covered the land as far as one could …

Arc 12 Chapter 278: Big sis Teresa

Akira pat Grarr’s side urging him forward. They led the charge towards the colorful flashing lights that were partially blocked by the tall grass growing everywhere. Tanner followed behind Akira’s royal guards with Kodria’s banner held high fluttering in the wind, the rest of the army followed behind him with their weapons and shields ready. Akira and Grarr were one …

Arc 12 Chapter 277: Unknown Group

As Akira and the Army marched the dukedom map continued to update the surrounding area that they passed through. The traveling merchants hugged the rear of the army making sure not to stray too far away from their protection as the army went further off the main dirt roads. There were very few permanent towns close to Kodria and even …

Arc 12 Chapter 276: Unimp Town

Unimp, a small human town in the northern lands of Foradverold. “… sire there is a large gathering of warriors outside the town walls. They want to speak with you,” said the town’s guard captain between gasps of breath as he tried to calm down after running so fast. “Why tell me this? You know I do not like being …

Arc 12 Chapter 275: Making deals

Akira and everyone else inside Bent-Gii held their breaths as they watched the large unknown force appear from the north. They were already tired from the fight with the demigods and were not sure how much longer they could fight or even if they could survive another full-on attack like before. Akira now held his war hammer and shield tightly …

Arc 12 Chapter 274: Battle for Bent-Gii

As noon arrived with the midday heat so did a small force of demigods who approached the outer territory of the settlement. “The report just came in that the Grand elders had already sent out half of the army several days ago to come to our aid but…” Zundar did not finish his sentence as he, Akira, and prince Gobbers …