C210 – Playing Rough (2)

“Oh! I remember it! I am on diet recently. I shouldn’t eat food at night.” said Qian Ye with embarrassment. Mo Yi narrowed his eyes, showing a slice of suspicion in his eyes. Zheng Xuan gave Qian Ye a hard stare, “Don’t go too far. Yiyi cooked it for you. And now you said you are on diet. What the …

C200 – Childe Qian Ye (2)

The young woman glared at Mo Fei, saying sarcastically, “You think I am so idle like you? Forget it, I got no time to argue with you. If you are wise enough, keep your ass away from Lou Yu.” Mo Fei gave that young woman a surprising look, “Hmm? You really like Lou Yu?” The young women immediately flushed lightly, …

C209 – Playing Rough (1)

Lou Yu stood aside, sizing this purple-hair man up and down. Qian Ye played his own hair lazily, while saying to Lou Yu with a flirting tone, “My prince, stop staring at me like that. Is it possible you’ve fallen in love with me? So sorry. Though you look cute, you are just not my type.” Lou Yu smiled at …

C199 – Childe Qian Ye (1)

Lin Feiyu looked at Lou Yu and Su Rong, asking while trying to swallow his pride, “Brother Lou Yu, what are you and Su Rong talking about?” Lou Yu said with some kind of exhausting tone, “Nothing. Just some trivial things in the lab. You know, in such a hurry I can not prepare everything. So it might be simple.” …

C208 – Qian Ye Moves in (2)

Mo Fei meditated in the star car, eyes closed, who knew nothing about the heated dispute in the grading room. Lin Feiyu sat behind Mo Fei, as if he was thinking of something. Suddenly both of Lin Feiyu and Mo Fei’s communication devices beeped. Lin Feiyu checked the message and knew that the scores were out. Looking at the list, …

C198 – A Fight over the Lab (2)

Looking at Zheng Xuan’s curious face, Lou Yu realized his ability in bed was really doubted, and he immediately got bridled up. “What are you looking at? I am strong enough.” said Lou Yu coldly. Zheng Xuan shrugged his shoulders and gave him a smile, “My prince, don’t worry. I don’t gossip, you know. I won’t tell anyone else.” On …

C207 – Qian Ye Moves in (1)

Mo Fei looked at the test paper of the preliminary, slightly frowning. In this round, they were given a hundred kinds of star herbs. And the students were asked to pick some to refine potions and note their composition and efficacy. The more potions one made, the higher score. Looking at those herbs, over a dozen of prescriptions flashed in …

C206 – Bewitched (2)

The next day the preliminary of the potion competition officially began. Hundreds of young pharmacists gathered together on the stage, which attracted numerous pairs of eyes. Most big families were sitting in the auditorium, trying to look for one or two outstanding young pharmacists to rope in. And Lou Yu and others were also sitting among the audience, waiting for …

C197 – A Fight over the Lab (1)

Lou Yu got off the car. Noticing Lou Yu’s gloomy face, Zheng Xuan asked in a low voice, “My prince, are you all right?” Lou Yu cast a glance and Zheng Xuan, shook his head and said flatly, “Yeah, I’m fine.” But Zheng Xuan still asked out of curiosity, “My prince, but I can tell you don’t look good. Have …

C196 – Unreasonable One (2)

“Yiyi, this is for you.” Zheng Xuan said in a flattering way. Mo Fei stretched out his hands and took the food, “Give it to me. Yiyi likes mutton, squid is my favorite.” Zheng Xuan frowned and immediately understood that he had been tricked by Mo Fei yesterday. However, he did not dare to be angry with Mo Fei.  “Young …