C100 – An Unfriendly Young Man

“It absolutely is. It is rumored that not long ago, Jia Yin had a tryst with some woman in a tavern. He didn’t even have the patience to get a decent room and actually attempted to do that thing right in the tavern. So many people saw him on the spot but he had no shame whatsoever, claiming that he …

C99 – A Chance Encounter of Two Foes

The name of the one who had been beaten up was Lin Yuan, a petty official working for the Prefecture Yamen, who was mainly in charge of construction projects and restoration work. He was also one of the most competent subordinates of Ling Zhaowen. After giving Ling Zhang a word of warning, Ling Zhaowen intended to pay a visit to …

C98 – The Madness of Jia Family

“There’s quite a long distance between Jiangzhou and Tanyang, and I’m pretty sure my grandfather is not the only one in the Great Yue who has the expertise in authenticating antiques. What was it that made you decide to come to Tanyang to ask my grandfather for help?” Ling Zhang sat down in the left-hand seat without the courtesy to …

C97 – Escalation of the Conflict Between Jia Yin and Zhang Chong

An official document, along with a man sent by Zhang Chong to covertly follow Jia Yuanling, came back by a fast horse of the courier station. Originally, the man had intended to wait until Jia Yuanling was escorted to the destination to rescue him. Unexpectedly, Jia Yuanling halfway. “Are you sure it was unaccustomed climate that he died of?” “Positive. …

C110 – To Copperfield

The third round is over. According to the new rule, from high score to low, the top 12 teams get to step into the next round whereas the 8 teams at the bottom are eliminated. Night Fire (Caranodor): 15 Pts Apotheosis (Caranodor): 15 Pts Beigong (Copperfield): 15 Pts Hidden Dragon (Caranodor): 15 Pts Beast Soul (Caranodor): 15 Pts Assassin Dynasty …

C109 – Ask for Death

The names on Nine Tails’ list are: Cang Yan, Bai Xiaoli, Joyce, Camus, and Long Lan. The names on Bloody Burial’s list are: Mona, Raymond, Bowen, Tate, and “Little Eye”, the backup guy. Bloody Burial’s strength reduces by half as two of their core members, Pence and Walker, are eliminated. With the absence of their long-range shooter and assassin, Bloody …

C96 – The Arrival of the News on Jia Yuanling’s Death

Wang Dashan’s words sent all others present into deep thought. ‘Yeah. While we’re complaining here, there are some people eager to get a chance to practice this formation. Once we give up, there are plenty of people who can substitute us!’ ‘That would be so shameful!’ They were all self-respecting men and none of them was willing to be regarded …

C108 – Very Humiliating

Everybody thinks he’s crazy. Bowen’s star ring is on and he’s looking for a melee combat? If this isn’t crazy, then what is? He lifts up his shoulder cannon to sledgehammer Bowen’s head… Bowen scoffs. He doesn’t even intend to dodge as he’s certain that someone without the star ring is able to hurt the one with his star ring …

C95 – Testing the Trap-and-Kill Formation

“There was such a big fire on the Lee Mountain. Zhang Chong’s army will soon return to the encampment. I worried that you might not be able to get out of there in time,” replied Ling Zhang frankly. Yuwen Tong gave a smile. “I was on the Grand Mang Mountain.” Ling Zhang had a vague idea what it was that …

C107 – Hustle for More Bustle

Rovel didn’t know he would be the first one in the ring. He saw a strong little giant charging at him as soon as he got into the arena, leaving him no time to prepare himself. The fight is on when they get into the arena. In the previous two rounds, both teams would take some time to be adjusted, …