C60 – Yuwen Tong’s Doubts

Ling Xingzhong couldn’t help but sigh with emotion after hearing Yuwen Tong’s words, “The elder Lord overpraised me. I just did what I should for my duty.” “It is no easy thing to keep this good character. Right?” Yuwen Tong said. His words obviously touched Ling Xingzhong, which immediately eased the tension between them. Ling Zhang had no prejudice against …

C59 – Call Me Brother

Ling Zhang was stopped by Yuwen Tong before he could get off the carriage. He glanced at the crowd and found they were looking at him and Yuwen Tong with strange eyes. So he withdrew his anger and stared at Yuwen Tong. “I can get off the carriage by myself.” Yuwen Tong put his hand back and stood there looking …

C58 – A Small and Narrow Carriage

Yuwen Tong gazed at Ling Zhang for a while. Right at the instant when Ling Zhang couldn’t help but feel uneasy beneath his gaze, Yuwen Tong said, “This carriage is sure to be spotted when we pass by the station of Prefecture Guard. There’s a high risk that my identity will be exposed if I follow you on horseback.”  Ling …

C57 – You Want to Help Us?

At the thought of this, Yuwen Tong turned around and retraced his steps back into Ling Zhang’s room. Ling Zhang looked at him with a frown on his face as he saw him return. “I have no intention of arguing with you, but you’ve been in Tanyang all this time, so you must know clearly about what Zhang Chong has …

C56 – I Can Walk by Myself

“Brother!” Ling Maomao ran hurriedly to Ling Zhang the moment he saw his brother far away. Ling Zhang was immediately attracted by Ling Maomao, and looked at the little boy who was running fast. Unlike in Tanyang, it was easy to trip over in this herb farmland. Ling Zhang did not shout to stop Ling Maomao, but just kept his eyes …

C55 – I Won’t Eat You!

Ling Zhang’s lips formed a tight line when he saw the icy look on Yuwen Tong’s face. No need to lie to anyone? “Let’s go. Show me around your herb farm.” Yuwen Tong didn’t want to talk about the engagement anymore. Speaking about the herb farm, Ling Zhang immediately thought of Maomao who had been left there. So he decided …

C54 – I Didn’t Agree to Break Off the Engagement

Interesting! This was their first meeting. Or had Ling Zhang already guessed his identity?  If his identity wasn’t the reason for Ling Zhang’s hostility, then the only possible reason would be their engagement.  It seemed that there were still things he didn’t know. Since he was already in Tanyang, he would surely figure everything out. “Marshal, what about these people?” …

C53 – Subtle Enmity from Ling Zhang

Perhaps this man in front of him was too much to his taste that Yuwen Tong’s usually cold and serious face turned soft as he looked at Ling Zhang.  “I’ll tell you later, because this is not a good place for that,” Yuwen Tong said. ‘That is so great. I don’t want to know your name. It would be best …

C52 – Every Part of Him Is Perfect

Yuwen Tong looked at the soldiers of the Prefecture Guard with cold eyes. ‘They are just like a group of unorganized and undisciplined people. Are they the Prefecture Guard of Tanyang? Their behavior has dishonored the name of Great Yue.’ He addressed Zhang Chong by name. His harsh tone made the people present felt very surprised. The patrols, half-angry and …

C51 – A Desire to Escape

“Young Master, someone is looking for you. He seems to be in a hurry.” A servant hurried in from outside. Ling Zhang handed over the order with the shopkeeper of Jiang’s Herbs, then sent him away. This was the first time that Ling Zhang had dealt with such a transaction so formally. Unfamiliar to so many details, he was so …