C140 – These People Had Enough or Not

Edited by White Wale In Su Mo’s mind, Xing Biao had been a strong man. Even if he caught a cold for a few times, he could sleep it off. It was the first time for Su Mo to see Xing Biao being so weak, lying on his chest and breathing roughly. Su Mo put his hand against Xing Biao’s …

C139 – Work Together to Get Xing Biao Drunk

Edited by White Whale “Second brother, I did not disrespect Lawyer Su.” Third brother said timidly. Xing Biao wanted to stand up again, but Su Mo stopped him and slightly sneered. “He is so quick tempered it ignites easily. He discriminates clearly between love and hate. He will not forget those who show him kindness, nor those who add insult …

C138 – See? Here Comes the Fight Anyway

Edited by White Whale Su Mo did not reply to third brother’s request. “Biao, let the dishes be served. Everyone is hungry.” Hearing his ‘darling’s words, Xing Biao asked the waiters to serve the dishes right away, and then introduced Mother Su to Mother Xing. “This is Su Mo’s mother, my mother-in-law. She has been very kind to me.” “Elder …

C137 – Just Love Xing Biao More

Edited by White Whale “Su Mo, what do you do for a living? Also working in my second brother’s company?” Third brother looked at Su Mo. Xing Biao was thirty this year, and as the younger brother of Xing Biao, third brother was about the same age as Su Mo. “How old are you?” “Me? I’m 27.” “Not married?” “No. …

C136 – They Actually Come Here and Decide to Settle Down

Edited by White Whale “Second brother, I don’t want to go back. I’ll stay with you and get a job here.” “Tell me, what could you do? The staff in my company are a group of strong men and illiterate rascals. You would definitely get bullied if you work with them. You can’t work at a big company without a …

C135 – Darling, I Feel Bad, Could You Coax Me?

Edited by White Whale Xing Juan came closer to his second brother. “Second brother, you have such a good life, and you’re so rich, and the car is really nice, and this house is nice, too. If you go back to the village, people would all envy you, and our parents would feel proud. Mom and dad will be glad …

C134 – Younger Sister Xing Claimed the Kin of Her Second Brother

Edited by White Whale Steaks were nothing compared with corn cakes. Su Mo ate some small fish, nibbled the corn cake, and then had some long beans. Xing Biao dipped the cucumber in the sauce and then fed Su Mo. “Take mom and dad here next time. They would absolutely love the food here.” Su Mo smiled happily. “Sure. We …

C133 – Cui Hua, Serve the Food Please

Edited by White Whale ‘Ah! That hateful woman! Why didn’t she go to the restroom earlier? If we left early, I wouldn’t have run into Su Mo. ‘Aw, why doesn’t she come out still? Oh, wait, Su Mo would definitely run into her if she comes out now. God! Please, stay in the restroom for a little longer. Don’t come …

C132 – Messing Around with Me? Go Copy the Criminal Law Book

Edited by White Whale Xing Biao went back to the living room and called the surrogate mother. “Can you feel your belly and tell me if my son is alright?” “Yeah… he’s alright.” The surrogate mother was baffled that she was woken up in the middle of the night to simply feel her belly. “Make sure that you’ll bear me …

C131 – What Is Wrong with You, Xing Biao? Are You Mad?

Edited by White Whale Right in the porch, Xing Biao pushed Su Mo against the wall beside the shoe cabinet. ‘Is he crazy? How could he do this here?’ Su Mo panicked and feared that he would force himself on him. “Xing Biao, Xing Biao, you stop that now. You can’t do it here.” “Su Mo, I’ll give you anything, …