Oct. 19, 2083 Ellington’s eyes suddenly shot open. Upon looking around, he found himself still in his hospital room. Disappointment filled him as he wondered if what he had experienced was just a dream. He had felt so certain that it was real, but now he was starting to doubt himself. Had he just imagined it all? You didn’t imagine …
When Ellington heard the intangible voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, he mimicked everyone in the room and froze in place. But unlike them, it was out of fear. Yet even though he was scared, he wasn’t a fool. He knew he needed to get the heck out of there. However, before he …
Sadly, their efforts never amounted to anything, and all the treatments were for naught. He had to endure some of the most excruciating pain that a normal person couldn’t even imagine. It was so bad that it would’ve brought down some of the strongest men in the world. He still didn’t know the reason he put up with it. If …
One Month Earlier (June. 06, 2023) It was quiet. Only the beeping of the electrocardiogram hooked up to a brown-haired boy who lay slumbering on the adjacent bed could be heard throughout the room. However, from the looks of it, his sleep wasn’t a pleasant one. Every few seconds, the boy would grimace in pain. It appeared that even while …
It was tiring. There was no other word that could describe Ellington’s feelings of being subjected to the disdainful glances and sly remarks of his team, but tired. The original owner of this body must have been very thick-skinned to endure this crap. But he wasn’t the original owner. Now was he? No, he was just the poor soul that …