Chapter 51: The Garlic of the Year5

  Wang Tanzhi thought this way, but the Zombie Werewolf was different. It didn’t consider whether the player was a middle school student or not, it only considered the strength.   As a gatekeeper-level BOSS with not very high intelligence, the Zombie Werewolf actually gave up on the easy prey in front of him, turned around, and focused and vigilantly watched the …

Chapter 50: The Garlic of the Year4

  Compared with Feng Bujue, Wang Tanzhi didn’t play so calmly. As a relatively simple person, when he landed, he didn’t think much about it, and went to the main mission.   Although his personality is simple, his execution ability is not bad. Soon, I found a city map at a newsstand on the street, and found the address of Ai Lebu’s …

Chapter 49: The Garlic of the Year3

  Because Feng Bujue didn’t chase after Xiao Ming, the latter ran for a while and saw no one behind him, so he slowed down. After a few seconds, Xiao Ming simply stopped, turned around and looked into the distance. Seeing that Feng Bujue had already caught up with Master Atobe from a distance, he thought Atobe was going to be …

Chapter 48: The Garlic of the Year2

  Professional gamer sounds like a desirable job. You can use games as a career to support yourself, and even gain both fame and fortune. Who hasn’t thought about it?   In 2055, this has indeed become a socially recognized profession, and the top talents in the industry have the same influence as famous athletes.   The age span of professional players is …

Chapter 47: The Garlic of the Year

  [Crazy Bujue, Level 11]   [Sigh in vain, level 11]   [Please select the game mode that the team wants to join. 】   [You have chosen Team Survival Mode (Normal), please confirm. 】   [Your team is joining the Team Survival Mode (Normal), and the random number of team members has been generated: six people. 】   【Your team has entered the queue and …

Chapter 46

 [The script has been completed and the rewards are being settled. 】   [Acquired experience points: 1650, game currency: 16500]   【Acquired Items/Equipment: None】   [Complete/accept task: 2/2]   [Completion of special and hidden missions: 2, cracking the world view: none]   [Shock value surge: 0 times, highest startle value: 0%, average startle value: 0%]   [Your fear rating is full of courage, you can get …

Chapter 45: Mountain Pool Haunted House (XII)

The process of leaving the big house was unexpectedly smooth. After the magic circle ceased to function, the House of Usher became an ordinary mansion. On the way home, one of the obvious changes was that all the portraits on the walls had become random graffiti. It looks like messed up paint. As for the hallucinations and spatial confusion, they …

Chapter 44: Mountain Pool Haunted House (XI)

SCP002…” “What?” Long Aomin asked suspiciously. “Ah!” Wang Tanzhi suddenly shouted, “Don’t ask, he will chatter with you for hours!” Feng Bujue ignored him, and replied to himself: “That is a collection of sci-fi settings that exist on the Internet platform and are freely created by fans.” “It can be summed up in one sentence!” Wang Tanzhi said in surprise, …

Chapter 43: Mountain Pool Haunted House (X)

“Crazy brother… calm down too much…” Long Aomin felt a little panicked after watching this scene. But Xiao Tan behaved relatively calmly this time, because he wasn’t very afraid of internal organs. Sad Ling Xiaogu didn’t react too much, but frowned slightly, feeling that this was a bit disgusting, and Ruo Ruoli’s calmness was comparable to that of Feng Bujue. …

Chapter 42: Mountain Pool Haunted House (IX)

Feng Bujue briefly recounted the plot of the novel, and also talked about his experience of entering the cellar and the hidden missions he received. Afterwards, everyone could see his quest in the quest bar, but they could only see it, even if Feng Bujue completed it, he would get the reward personally. Halfway through his speech, the lantern on …