Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Yu Xiaocao, who was set down on the kang bed [1], stared at the affectionate Madam Liu. She didn’t really know how she felt right now. Even though this mother seemed weak and unreliable, she finally had a mother to love her again after fourteen years. Yu Hang stroked Xiaocao’s hair while speaking to his mother, “Mother, Youngest Sister …

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 “You… you’re my mother?” Lin Xiaowan didn’t retain any memories from the original host of this body. However, she had coincidently hit her head, so that gave her a good opportunity to pretend to have amnesia. Weren’t all transmigration novels just like this? That weak-looking woman already had a pale face, but her face became even more ashen. …

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Lin Xiaowan’s mind felt groggy and heavy. She could smell a salty and fishy scent distinctive to the beach, while the sound of waves beating on the shore faintly traveled to her ears. This must be a dream! It must be! Her hometown was located in the inner regions. She had only seen the sea once in her …