Chapter 105 – Is He Serious?

Although I already thought to myself that I’d tell Erneste about his fangirls’ antics, I ended up not saying a word about them for a while. After all, it wasn’t like I was looking forward to meeting with Erneste. As for now, I was still happier spending my time with my old pals. Erneste and I had different schedule, which …

Chapter 104 – The Trio Troublemakers

“Are you that Alrescha Lyra Hartmann?” “Hm?” On a particular day, I was greeted by an unfamiliar voice from behind. At that time, I was separated from the rest of my pals because I met with Erneste. He said he’d give me his notebooks for me to study, who knows it might be useful? My pals had mixed feelings. Iris …

Chapter 103 – Confession

“I like you! Can we be friends with the notion of dating in the future?!” …Eh? I blinked several times as I stood frozen in front of an unfamiliar figure who was bowing his head earnestly. I’d like to ask: WHO ARE YOU?! But alas, the person before me had introduced himself before he said the shocking words. So, I …

Extra 4 – God’s Gift

Author’s Note: Merry Christmas! ^^ And before going to the chapter, there’s an important information for you to know~! Fun fact: The average length of human pregnancy is 280 days or 40 weeks since a woman’s last menstrual period. But since Sphaela (or this story’s world)’s passage of time is different than our world, with 35 days per month. So, …

Chapter 102 – New Power

After approximately one week, Lyra finally finished her very long blink! The next moment I opened my eyes, the beastman Clavis that I was familiar with was… no more. I opened my eyes wide in surprise at the sight before my eyes, still with my hand holding a sword and blocking the other monster’s attack. I also poured in my …

Chapter 101 – Collaboration

Several days passed after Clavis had turned into a werebeast. Since I was in Intermediate Level and Clavis in Advanced Level, I didn’t know how he was faring so far. But when I heard Alt-nii’s story, it seemed that they were working hard together to make sure Clavis could make up for what he had missed during his time of …

Chapter 100 – Werebeasts

Author’s Note: We’re finally at chapter 100?! Q__Q Yet another milestone to celebrate! Thank you for all readers and patrons for making it possible to reach this far! As a celebration to chapter 100, here are two arts of the novel~! (You can find more of them in this page or by joining the Discord server~) Lyra, art by Luminois …

Chapter 99 – Let’s Go Home

Note: Sorry for this late update! If you’re in my Discord server, you already know why: my laptop is having yet another issue and is currently in service T__T I decided to purchase a tablet that can run Windows because it’s already the nth time I am having troubles with my laptop, so yep, I can finally write and post …

Chapter 98 – Missing

Clavis. Missing. On a day like this. Nowhere to be seen. From the looks of it, it seemed that Niina had gone from a place to another, in order to look for her son. She had gone to all the places she could think of, yet… there was no result so far. “First, let’s come inside and warm yourself up. …

Chapter 97 – On A Certain Snowy Day

After the big events of the Hartmann family of this year ended, I finally tried to get myself together to face the upcoming unknown challenge. Yes, I no longer have the cheat called as my past life experiences and memories as I’m now off to Intermediate Level. I was on denial the whole time before Alt-nii’s coming-of-age ceremony. After his …