Chapter 86 – The Twins’ Confusion

The world is moving so fast. It’s constantly changing. Nothing remains the same. That was what Freyr and Freyja came to realize at such a young age. Papa, who was always with them, suddenly became the star in the sky. Ever since then, their world was never the same anymore. They were looking for someone like Papa, who would always …

Chapter 85 – Bonding with the twins~!

Obviously, it wasn’t only Mom and Dad who bonded with the twins. Alt-nii and I were also bonding with the twins. We naturally wanted to get along well with our new siblings, right? I wasn’t sure of how Alt-nii saw the twins—he might find the twins amusing and wanted to trigger more reaction or expression from the twins. He often …

Chapter 84 – Freyr and Freyja

“Thanks for the food!” Dinner time. After Mom bathed the twins, the twins started to grow attached to Mom as well. Perhaps they finally felt Mom’s sincere affection as well. I mean, look at how Mom tried so hard just to pick clothes for the twins!   “…Since you two came here so suddenly, we didn’t get to prepare clothes …

Chapter 83 – An Addition to The Family

Oh, I couldn’t believe what was happening!! Dad, suddenly bringing in two children and announcing that they would be our new family members?! Dad—the one who seemed to be head over heels with Mom… was actually having an affair outside that resulted in the pair of children he brought in?! At that moment, my view of the world instantly crumbled. …

Chapter 82 – On A Certain Winter

Long, long time ago, in a small, secluded eastern village… There lived a certain human tribe with the mysterious beings they called “The Harts”. The Harts were mythical beings that loved to play with illusion and could transform themselves to resemble something else. It was said that they never showed their real forms to anyone. The Harts needed to “synchronize” …

Chapter 81 – Surprise and Surprise!

“…Why did things turn this way?” Ein’s dissatisfied voice could be heard. “Hehe, sorry, but it seems that luck is at our side!” I happily smiled. I could see our team’s victory flag so close! Luca, Kiri, and I were thinking of the same thing at this moment—that was, to focus our attacks to Ein! Alt-nii seemed to notice this …

Chapter 80 – Lyra vs Altaire –and Co.

“Are you ready, everyone?” Carbuncle asked. I readied myself as I looked to my left and right. Luca and Kiri were on my side—meanwhile, Iris was behind me, with Carbuncle’s mysterious crystal pendant dangling on her chest. At the opposite side… My older brother, Alt-nii, was right in front of me, separated by a gap. Then, beside him, there were …

Chapter 79 – Here Comes… Ein!

Author’s Note: I feel kinda ironic having to name this title as such… It seems somehow connected to the sentence I used to end the last chapter and since I wrote it in the same file, it’s so easy to notice. Welp, forgive this useless rambling and enjoy the chapter~! As usual, don’t hesitate to comment as I will eventually …

Chapter 78 – Interlude

[If you don’t follow the rules, then I won’t hesitate to…] The moment Fenix uttered those words again, I could sense the atmosphere getting tense again.   Fenix, aren’t you ashamed of intimidating kids like this? Tsk, tsk… –However, I instantly froze when Fenix suddenly turned to look at me, as if she could read my mind. Ah, well, she …

Chapter 77 – The Treasury: Revisited

Author’s Note: I’m sorry for not updating faster! I spent most of my time recovering from my illness (it’s nothing serious, but it really hindered me!). I’m feeling better now and I hope you guys are still here with me–I mean with Lyra XD As usual, please don’t hesitate to leave any comment to mark your territory! …I mean presence, …