Chapter 76 – Playing Tag

I thought that as time passed by, Ein would chase after me less and less… but boy, how naive I was! Ein always tried to chase after me and tag along with me and my friends in all the opportunities he’s got!! “Ein, don’t you need to spend some time with your friends as well?” When I asked him that, …

Chapter 75 – Miss You, Big Sis!

Author’s Note: Don’t forget to vote for Lyra fan arts in CreativeNovel’s fan art competition!  You have to be registered to vote. Click on the art you want to vote to go to the art’s page and click the Heart button to cast your vote~ Please do take a few minutes to cast your votes for Lyra! ^^ Thanks for …

Chapter 74 – Still My Eighth Birthday Party

“Big sis Lyra!” The voice was full of happiness and sounded so clingy. …Being called like that sounded so nice to my ears, I felt slightly eneamored by the delight for a moment before snapping out of it… “Oh, isn’t this Ein? Of course I remember you! Thanks for coming!” I quickly went into my [good big sis Lyra] mode. …

Chapter 73 – Turning Eight

“Rise and shine, today’s princess~!” I woke up to Niina’s cheerful call. “Morning, Niina!” I usually would be more relaxed and did the legendary 5 more minutes thing… but I couldn’t today, since today would be my eighth birthday! My seventh birthday ended without anything out of the ordinary except for a little uneasiness and anxiety I felt upon meeting …

Chapter 72 – My [Nephew]’s Sixth Birthday

Author’s Note: Hope the previous chapter (April Fools’ chapter) managed to amuse you~ Here goes the real chapter 72! I know that some people would name their children using their ancestors, relatives, closest people’s names… but… I TOTALLY DIDN’T EXPECT THAT MY (PREVIOUS) NAME WOULD BE USED LIKE THIS, ALRIGHT?! From how Clyde and Nicole talked about me (Reinst), I …

[April Fools Edition] Chapter 72

I know that some people would name their children using their ancestors, relatives, closest people’s names… but… I TOTALLY DIDN’T EXPECT THAT MY (PREVIOUS) NAME WOULD BE USED LIKE THIS, ALRIGHT?! From how Clyde and Nicole talked about me (Reinst), I know that they were still thinking about me, and I was happy to know that… that they still remember …

Chapter 71 – An Invitation

[Humans are so quick to adapt to situation.] I guess those words are true. I can no longer deny it as I’ve experienced it countless times. The most recent proof to that sentence would be how me and my friends quickly adapted to Riviera’s current predicament—getting involved in the skirmishes between Naraka and Cielle that sometimes the atmosphere turned gloomy. …

Chapter 70 – Overture

One day, Dad and Mom went to discuss “important stuff that children shouldn’t mind” with King Titus in Capicastle, so it was decided that I would play with Luca and Leti. Meanwhile, Alt-nii was with Clavis-nii at home. I decided to tag along with Mom and Dad because I thought I might learn something there… Upon entering the meeting room… …

Chapter 69 – Peaceful Days… No?

“Isn’t she cute?” “Look, look, Rurune managed to ward off that small monster!” “She’s officially my Familiar, you know?” From that day onwards, Alt-nii was basically trying to boast Rurune to everyone. Yes, ever since he formed a contract with Rurune, he made sure to always keep Rurune with him, to show her to whoever he met. Sheesh, it was …

Chapter 68 – Eggie’s Fate

Wait a minute, this doesn’t make any sense… We certainly managed to catch the egg at the very last second, so why did it still crack? Did it receive enough impact or was it really this fragile? When I glanced towards Alt-nii, he only blankly stared at the cracking Eggie, with face full of… blank. Yup, he also couldn’t make …