Chapter 123 – [You] and [Me]

My head was heavy and hazy for quite a long time that everything before me turned blurred—or it all felt unreal. I remembered vaguely that there was a moment of blank. Then, when the haziness was lifted off my head, all I could see was darkness. It was pitch black in front of me, behind, right, and left… “Hello?” My …

Chapter 122 – In Danger

Back when Iris and Lyra went their separate ways, Carbuncle went to trace Iris’ whereabouts. It wasn’t that hard for her to locate Iris’ whereabouts. However, she stopped midway when she was about to take a turn and inch closer to Iris. “…” She seemed to think for a while before she decided to turn around and approach her other …

Chapter 121 – Unpleasant Feelings

“I don’t like you if you’re like this!!” Such were the words that Iris, my very first female friend in this lifetime, spoke to me before she suddenly seemed to be caught off-guard by her own words that she left just like that. Meanwhile, I was still rooted on the spot. I didn’t even need a mirror to see how …

Chapter 120 – Insecurities

To me, Lyra is a special existence. She is my very first female friend who granted me more friends. She—along with the others whom I became acquainted with due to her—became a great help to me. I have always considered myself a lucky person for being able to become her friend. Yes, it was perhaps my luck. My luck continued …

Chapter 119 – Day 3: Siblings Battle

Day 3 of Harmonia Academy’s Quinquennial Festival finally arrived. The most awaited event on this day for many people would be the battle between the Hartmann siblings. Not to mention that the crown prince also participated there. Aside from that, the people were divided into fractions of those who wanted to see other performances for different reasons, for example, their …

[Special] World Explanation

“Hello, observers! Have you been waiting to see me?” A spectre of light floated around happily as it gradually turned into a little mischievous boy. Even so, the air around him was quite mystical, marking the difference between him and the other ordinary boys. “It’s time for me to clarify some matters about this world, huh? Beware though, this might …

Chapter 118 – Prophecy

By the end of Harmonia Academy’s Quinquennial Festival Day 2, lots of people were in uproar and started talking about ‘the exciting fated match’. “Have you heard? It will be a battle between siblings tomorrow!” “Moreover, the siblings are Duke Hartmann’s children!” “Wait, you mean—the Head of the Royal Magician’s children? The ones that are rumored to have extraordinary magic?” …

Chapter 117 – Hansel and Gretel: Festival Edition

When we got bored and thought that we had explored the festival on day 1, Luca, Kiri, and I decided to spar for the upcoming competition. After that, it was the usual routine of going home and waiting for the next day to come. However, tonight was quite exciting, as the twins were trying their costumes at home! They wanted …

Chapter 116 – Harmonia Academy’s Quinquennial Festival: Day 1

After what had happened at Domi’s 22nd birthday party, I must admit… I couldn’t stay calm. Various ‘what if’s ran through my head. What if I had known that Adel-san was Domi’s fiancée? What if I hadn’t involved myself with her at all? …It seemed that I was a bit too partial for Domi, huh? Couldn’t help it since he …

Chapter 115 – [Little Brother]’s 22nd Birthday

Day 3 Month 6 Year 981. Time flew by and the 22nd birthday of my ‘little brother’ finally arrived. This birthday was a special one because it would also be the day he would officially assume the title of the duke from Father. Although Father would still be carrying his duty while Domi had to learn and assist for some …