Chapter 26: In Plains Sight

Now that the sun had risen, the monsters in the environment had begun to shift. The passive elemental sprites and birds were replaced with wolves and goblins. At the same time, I could see players, or at least chosen, engaging in battles with these creatures. Shaking my head, I put my sword away. There was no point in constantly practicing …

Chapter 25: Twilight

It took roughly an hour after I crossed the bridge before I was able to finally level up my Mass Appraisal to twenty, having been casting it on any clusters of weeds or herbs that I found along the way. Once I did so, I was awarded with the long-awaited system message. Detected possibility for skill fusion! Compatible skills – …

Chapter 24: Creeping Crawlers

As I walked through the edge of the forest, I began to ponder what the ‘affinity’ attribute was that was mentioned in the charm. As far as I knew, there weren’t any abilities that directly altered the minds of others, as that was considered the realm of gods. Maybe it was more akin to a badge of honor? Regardless, I …

Chapter 23: Shadow Tag

If I were to run at my full speed, as I did when heading to Arcanhide, I would likely be able to make it to the next village in less than four hours, giving enough time to rest along the way. However, I had no intention of doing that. If I did, I would be passing up too many opportunities …

Chapter 22: The Dark Knight Arises

That night, Ella and I each patrolled the city’s western wall, waiting for the chance for the Shade Queen to appear. From what I knew, this was only the second day of its ‘raid’, so it should surely appear again. The two of us weren’t walking together, both because it would let us cover more territory and because I was …

Chapter 21: You’re Hired

The dinner with Ennolf and Nuoda was rather nice. Ennolf made a finely roasted steak with potatoes for each of us. And, as before, he even enchanted the food. Enchanted food was rather rare, since the enchanting process typically worsened the flavor of the food itself. However, with Ennolf, I could confidently say that that was not the case. I …

Chapter 20: Pyro Maniac

Of my four basic stat-enhancement skills, only Scholar had yet to improve. This was why I needed to come to the library, even if it cost me a silver coin to enter. In my opinion, one silver was an incredibly small price to pay to evolve a stat-enhancement skill. Of course, that’s not to say that I hadn’t been getting …

Chapter 19: Good Touch

Nuoda followed me back to my room, where I began to gather the various materials that I wanted to use for this enchantment. “Just to be sure, but what is your strongest healing skill right now?” I asked, looking over at her. Nuoda answered right away with a small smile. “So far, my strongest is the Heal spell that I …

Chapter 18: What a Rush!

Once inside the city, I made my way to an inn, paid the three silver to stay a night, and closed my eyes to rest. After my most recent experience, I learned a rather critical fact when it came to recovering from my post-enchantment injuries. If I disabled my Resilience skill after receiving the injuries, my body would revert to …

Chapter 17: Like a Boss

Now that I had the Assassinate skill, my role in a party was becoming more and more unclear. Granted, the only time I had ever actually been in a party was when I was with Diane, or the brief battle against the wolf with Ennolf. Compared to other players, I did not fight nearly as many monsters, and I was …