Chapter 74: Seemingly Harmless

“Is it injured? Would it suddenly open its eyes and attack us?” Ning Siqi might feel the little meatball was cute, but spirit beasts were generally aggressive towards humans. It might look cute now, but what if it changed and attacked? “It is harmless.” Xiao Qianhan carefully observed the little meatball. It had a cute appearance, a small round body, …

Chapter 73: Counterattack

The two of them said together, “Die!” However, the two of them weren’t able to move Xiao Qianhan. Xiao Qianhan had icy cold eyes and looked as though she was a 10,000-year icicle. She looked at them emotionlessly and didn’t say a single thing as she didn’t want to waste any saliva on them. Their combined strength was indeed enough …

Chapter 72: Perverted Ink Horse Monkey

“There is such a spirit beast?” Xiao Yuluo had never heard of it, but she came up with an idea.  If they really encountered an Ink Horse Monkey, she had to make it abduct Xiao Qianhan, allowing it to utterly ravage Xiao Qianhan. “I have never seen it before nor have I heard it before. But I heard someone talking …

Chapter 71: Landing Phoenix Mountain

There were plenty of men that fancied her in the past and were all fighting just to have a short conversation with her. However, there were much fewer people that courted after her. Even if someone came to look for her, it was because of the elixirs in her possession. It was the reason why Liu Yiyi had been using …

Chapter 70: A Secret That No One Is Interested to Know

Xiao Qianhan was shocked when she saw the elegant and refined Murong Yue standing just three steps away from her. Just the mere appearance of a low-stage Honor Mystic Realm martial artist was already emitting a powerful aura and pressure. Why is Murong Yue here? “Xiao Qianhan, are you very surprised to see me?” Murong Yue’s enchanting eyes swept across …

Chapter 69: Too Many Disgusting People

“Her strength is already beyond the Seventh Prince, I wonder if he regrets it.” “He is definitely regretful. Looking closely, Xiao Qianhan is even more beautiful than Xiao Yuluo. Who wouldn’t love beauty.” Xiao Qianhan was speechless when she overheard the gossip. There wasn’t a lack of gossipers. She didn’t imagine there would be a day she would become one …

Chapter 68: Leaving Purple Moon Kingdom

Yun Mojin’s gorgeous eyes were distinct and flowing with spring. His lips were full and soul-captivating. Every smile and move felt like a livid painting. Xiao Qianhan thought she had heard wrongly. Reward with a kiss? For what?  She looked at him with disbelief and attempted to push him away. As a result, Yun Mojin didn’t move an inch. Xiao …

Chapter 67: Reward With a Kiss

Yun Mojin’s sudden appearance greatly shocked He Xiaowen. Why is he here? “Crown Prince?” Ying Luo exclaimed. Xiao Qianhan was also rather surprised and was thinking if Yun Mojin had just entered the city too? She secretly kept her artifact as she felt that it wouldn’t be used for now. Even if He Xiaowen wanted to kill her, she wouldn’t …

Chapter 66: Despicable

He Xiaowen was astonished as she looked at Xiao Qianhan. She never expected Xiao Qianhan would totally disregard her and wasn’t polite at all! Due to the shock, she didn’t know how to respond. No matter what she was, due to her superior cultivation, everyone would look up to her. No one had ever berated her like this. “How dare …

Chapter 65: Finding Fault

As soon as Murong Chen finished speaking, he had a strange expression and was completely flushed red. He stuttered as he said, “The Northern Dusk Crown Prince wants me to tell you that he didn’t strip this prince’s clothes.” “What?” Ran Ke thought she heard wrongly. What is the Northern Dusk Crown Prince’s meaning? Xiao Qianhan was also startled. What …