Witch World

#Christen Though I didn’t feed on humans like the way other witches do, I despise them.. But coming to this school made me despise them even more…. Humans are so… miserable.. and vicious no wonder Rose doesn’t feel any remorse for them.. The one I despised the most was the one with my necklace Riley… For some reason I don’t …

Never Bully

Riley 🌷 After what I encountered last night, I knew I wasn’t hallucinating.. Indeed there was an unknown force out there but what? And what does this necklace mean to the creature that appeared last night… From what I know, something else was coming and soon… The next morning, I woke up and prayed to God to deliver me from …

Beginning Of Fate

#Christen Some people believe that witches are myths or fairy tales, that we don’t exist some think we exist and live to terrorize and cause harm to people…. Well they’re all right…. My name is Christen… And I’m a witch.. Spooky right.. Well don’t be.. I live with my family and the other witches in a place far way from …

I Knew What I Saw

Riley) People say the supernatural is just a fantasy, a myth.. a fairy tail that it doesn’t exist but its not true, I don’t believe in the supernatural but I know they exist, even the holy books and mythical texts have talked about them… Giants once lived in this earth but there are no more… Witches exist and they live …