Nerick took a deep breath, feeling the sizzling energy flow through him with each heartbeat. A riveting feeling it was, mana flowing at his will, concentrating at his fingertips with a thought. He grinned widely. “Enjoying the feeling are you?” Erik said, “Well don’t get used to it too soon, that’s just energy, next you’ll have to learn how to …
Chapter 26: Nerick
Erik entered through the metal door leading into a short corridor, like a barracks the ship’s interior had a sleeping quarter, a kitchen, a bathing area and a meeting room. He opened the last door taking into the sleeping quarter, finding rows of bunk beds along either wall and two more rows running down the middle. He glanced down each …
Chapter 25: A Yearning
Erik watched as four dark elves sat Alan down, glancing back he also saw the port city shrink in the distance as their ship sailed along Druvia’s coast. “To you, it has been thousands of years but…To me?” Erik sighed, not recognising a single bit of the world around him. “It has only been the few weeks since I’ve returned.” …
Chapter 24: Brewing Evil
Someplace Some time Amidst the darkroom a violet hue radiated from the walls where vines of corruption made root. It was the only light within, its source the bulges of black pus that hung from them. The light reflected off the floor where runic carvings where made into the stone, forming a large magic circle across the room. Within …
Chapter 23: Pyra
Shadows, a thin black mist of dark energy covering the assassin’s body like a veil. They stepped out of it, appearing before the metal gate. Albeit the darkness faded from their view the energy still flowed about their body, like an aura it engulfed them. “H-Hal-!” The guard tried to exclaim, two of them were standing at the gate. Crimson …
Chapter 22: Brawl
Daldorth, a dwarven port city known for its shipwrights and ale. A quiet city, even outside the My Pearl tavern where said famous ale originates from. That is, until the entire wall exploded onto the port. Alan Kyle, a simple looking boy in his late teens with black hair and dark brown eyes. Yet he was known all over the …
Chapter 21: The Destined Encounter!
Erik stood at the forest edge, invisible both from view and their senses. Watching, right hand raised forwards as tendrils of darkness swirled before his index finger. Aimed at a now fallen Kavek. (“I guess I wasn’t needed after all.”) He mused, dissipating the spell even he considered cruel. Erik turned away, knowing Thea would be fine all he worried …
Chapter 20: Makaela
Erik’s wyvern landed with a short run through the rocky forest edge, the terrain here still green and healthy yet the trees stopped as the mountain range began. A mountain range that seemed to stretch across half the continent. Fort Gilded Rock, Cloudspire and Balgor were built around these mountains. “Why’d we land? We’re not at Daldorth yet, are we?” …
Chapter 19: Another…
“Wretched fools, you dare pin me against this mediocre creature? I’m a Dragon!” The drake growled in a feminine draconic voice, going uncomprehended by the surrounding masses. “Fine then”, she snorted in annoyance as they also kept shouting incomprehensibly, she wondered how was she supposed to communicate with these apes. The drake turned her gaze upon the frenzied manticore, almost …
Chapter 18: The Last?
“Do you see them?” Asked one of the four mages, wearing ash grey cloaks and robes while wielding blade-ended staves. “See them? I don’t even sense them! Blasted darks!” swore another, walking the edge of the thick barrier of mana that surrounded them, throwing knives and arrows covering the ground around it. The four of them glanced about, each one …