Layette opened her eyes and realized she was laying down on the floor. She shook her head, easing her dizziness, and got on her two feet. Glancing around, she realized the sudden shift in environment. She stood near the front entrance of a grand ruined cathedral. The dark atmosphere of the Forest of Sorrows was absent. She had no memory …


Layette and Merlin raced through the corridors, following the trail of yellow light emitted from the Tracker spell. As they went deeper into the ruined castle, there was a noticeable difference of scenery. Purple veins were on the walls, pulsating in red light. A horrendous stench passed through Merlin, which he started coughing and covering his nose in disgust. Layette …

VII.1 (RE)

Aren couldn’t believe it. The person he was searching for came right into his arms. The visions he had seen brought him here, face-to-face to the proclaimed “destiny changer,” though it confused him on what to do next. He thought meeting her will finally answer the questions he had asked all this time, yet nothing brought him clarity. The visions …

VI. (RE)

When the morning sun rose over the horizon, Layette and Merlin left their encampment with haste. There was no way of leaving the cursed woodlands, so Merlin suggested they pursue Aren using his Tracker spell. As they followed the trail the spell laid out for them, Shadow Wolves were no longer seen and light cast the darkness away. It was …

V. (RE)

The woodlands were one place Layette got tired of. She took part in many skirmishes with the local resistance during the Civil War: many battlefields were taken place in them. However, the Forest of Sorrows was something different. Nearby trees seemed to loom in menacingly, their roots killing the other competition. The grass swayed in an unusual motion and when …

IV. (RE)

Within the north-eastern parts of the Forest of Sorrows lied a fortified outpost. With wooden walls and subpar towers for defense, many would think this was a temporary place of fortitude. Since it was at the kingdom’s center, it had access to roads to every major city. The outpost was used as a gathering hub for many troops, be it …


He Who Shall Not Be Named, The Ender of Worlds, The “Bogeyman.” No matter the title, the Grand Necromancer is one of Thyderalis’ most dangerous villains. A lich wearing shiny golden armor along with a fearsome, red cape long enough to cover a crowd of people, and wore a crown made of the skulls of the heroes who fell by …

II. (RE)

Aren and the Ancient Boulder Turtle followed the purple and green swirls of light. The two peered over a tall bush, seeing what lied before them. There was a small, wooden cabin that radiated mysterious energy and surrounding it, a legion of skeletons, zombies, and ghosts guarded the area. The zombies limped and moaned, begging for someone to end their …

I.3 (RE)

The search party forced their way through the Forest of Sorrows, cutting down the thick bushes and branches. It was about two days since they entered and it already proved too much for the crew. The Captain ordered everyone to retreat, though returning to the fortified roadblock proved to be a challenge as the surrounding vegetation seemed to shift and …

I.2 (RE)

Within a certain distance, upon a dirt road, there was an outpost of armored soldiers. The summer-like heat did not ease the minds of those guarding the wooden fortified zone. A soldier yawned and leaned on his spear to get some rest. They were standing for almost the entire day, with no enemy in sight. Morale was so low, the …