Chapter 46 – Healing

Uncle Arken, as it turned out, did not know. When I got back, the atmosphere was still heavy. I caught Lute’s eyes several times; he was openly glaring at me. Melione was overtly trying to ignore me. Once I had finished a light lunch,– bread left over from breakfast, plus some skewer meat I had bought on the way back …

Chapter 45 – Party Members

“Ah, I can’t believe we wasted a day on that…” (Cat girl) “I know, right? What a useless bunch. They didn’t even last half a day.” (Human girl) “I think we spent more time on the wagon going up there and back.” (Cat girl) “Aaaah~! I wish those hunks we woke up with woulda let us party up with them.” …

Chapter 44 – Guild Hall

. It was awkward at the hideout, made worse by the immature voice within myself that urged me to blame it on her, for not wearing the amulet. But of course I knew that didn’t mean a thing. It was my responsibility to avoid overdoing it. I had been taught so since childhood. For my own sanity’s sake, I decided …

Chapter 43 – Legend

Far in the past lived a race that knew neither age nor sickness. They paid no heed to the ancient Silver Empire that once ruled three continents, and took no notice of its laws. As with all the races, they had their worthy and their wicked, but in the eyes of the Imperial mages and nobility, their existence itself was …

Chapter 42 – Bracelet

I watched Arken enchant a bracelet for Melione while my guts ached. It was difficult on him, doing something like this with all his injuries, but his beautiful elven face did not betray a hint of pain. Since I would likely have to deal with strangers on my own when I went out to rescue the three missing members, he …

Chapter 41 – Mistake

Arken studied me for a moment, his eyes glowing slightly, which meant he was checking the state of my mana. I used fairy sight for this, but elves use a form of light magic.  I was accustomed to seeing it; he had done it regularly throughout my childhood. Finally, he nodded. “Flying uses too much mana. If you’re going to …

Chapter 40 – Hideout

My Lady, the child that gives this to you will lead you to us. His mother entrusted him to our care. Kindly protect his life. As soon as I read all the words, the note burst into flame and was consumed in an instant, like magician’s flash paper on Earth. Tiana’s nerves were good enough that I didn’t jump in …

Chapter 39 – Quarters

. The blunt rejection threw me into confusion. “I’m sorry?” “No girls allowed. That room’s men only. We don’t want girls doing business back there.” She softened her voice slightly and asked, “You don’t have a room?” I grimaced. “I made a miscalculation. I thought I would find a friend of mine in the town, but I couldn’t locate him …

Chapter 38 – Nightfall

. It was boisterous enough that the Hollywood moment where everyone stops and turns to stare at the stranger who just walked in didn’t happen. Actually, that moment usually doesn’t happen in any case. The dwarven musicians kept playing and their human tambourine girl kept dancing. The crowd kept cheering and drinking. The inside wasn’t exactly three-star Michelin standards, but …

Chapter 37 – Cara Ita

When I entered the fortress town of Cara Ita, I gave the name ‘Tiana of the High Forest’. It was the name she’d been born with, and I had given her real birthplace, too. Mother returned to Relador and gave birth to Tiana there after killing Tiana’s father. She didn’t decide to relocate to Orestania until her baby daughter started …