POV: Sora (the daughter of Mia; Inari’s niece; Fox 3rd Gen Founder) Recap: Sora found Kari and upon request from the Intelligent Construct of Inari inside Kari, Sora brought Kari into her Core. Sekhmet, The Herald of Sakura, has suddenly appeared without warning, putting everyone on edge. Sora glanced back at her aunt’s two constructs as they sighed, and the …
B3 — 58. The Image Behind The Eye
POV: Sora (the daughter of Mia; Inari’s niece; Fox 3rd Gen Founder) Recap: Sora dropped off Emilia to the safety of the others while she goes to find Kari to gather everyone. After her encounter with Shadow, she’s feeling like a new Vulpes! The cool breeze ambled through the town, gently pulling at Sora’s hair while she wandered the cobblestone …
B3 — 57. Breaking The Cycle
Note: Patrons have chosen UE in a poll to take ATM’s place on Fridays. So, updates for ATM will be more sporadic with my changed schedule. I will continue to write in it, but it might be at a maximum of 2 weeks to get a chapter out. I hope you understand. =)) I still very much love the series …
B3 — 56. The Inner Brotherhood
POV: Kari (the daughter of Alva; granddaughter of Fenrir; Wolf 3rd Gen Founder) Recap: Kari trails after the new cult Fen’s create and has discovered some iffy things about them. Something’s wrong with how easily they believe people, and Fen’s already thought about anyone trying to interfere and put in safeguards. She’s now following this cult as they start to …
B3 — 55. Fen’s Game
POV: Kari (the daughter of Alva; granddaughter of Fenrir; Wolf 3rd Gen Founder) Recap: Kari just had an encounter with Frankenstein and Nilly. Inari and her mother are concerned about the unexpected meeting, but Kari’s a little frustrated that she can’t really follow the conversation and is now focusing on figuring out what Fen’s been up to. A sharp gust …
B3 — 54. A Message
POV: Kari (the daughter of Alva; granddaughter of Fenrir; Wolf 3rd Gen Founder) Recap: Sora finally met her Shadow and made peace with herself. She now has a new drive pulling her toward Kari, and she left Alice to take care of Gurakuqi and Mimi. She’s now carrying Emilia with Mary holding her tails, and they’re going back to leave …
B3 — 53. The Path Forward
POV: Sora Moore Recap: She learned a bit more about Shadow and learned that she’s not pure evil and that she’d been trying to crush her out of existence. Shadow brought back a few parts of Inari’s lecture to connect the dots. Sora couldn’t look at Shadow; she kept her eyes down, hand gripping her left arm as she thought. If …
B3 — 52. Foe Or Victim?
POV: Sora Moore Recap: Sora managed to find her way through the damaged sections of her Spiritual Network to pull her conscience back into her Inner Core. She met her aunt, found out she’s dying, and needs to go down to meet her Shadow. They didn’t hit it off really well … and now Sora’s attacking her. Sora launched toward Shadow, flaming …
B3 — 51. Shadow
POV Change: Sora’s POV Recap: Mary realized that they’ve been making a ton of mistakes and that the new guest knows about Emilia, an eight tailed Vulpes that shouldn’t be there, is in the town. Sora is struggling to overcome the internal distress she’s experiencing from the spiritual worm. Sora gripped her right arm, ears pressed back against her head as she …
B3 — 50. Cause And Effect
POV Change: Mary’s POV (Psychiatrist; Counselled Sora for a year) Recap: Sora is being attacked by the spiritual worm. Emilia is having teenage issues and fainted after seeing her mother dying. Mary now takes the stage. Note: At least the next four chapters will be from Sora’s POV as events move onto where things have been leading. =)) Man I brew a …