B3 — 17. Laying A Foundation Pt. 2

The crowds were growing as Vulpes, and humans returned from the fields; the carts became more and more sparse as the volume of people increased.  There seemed to be segregated areas for humans and Vulpes as they continued to roam the town. The inn where they’d been led seemed to be in the Vulpes district, but there also appeared to …

B3 — 16. Laying A Foundation Pt. 1

Fen glared at Sora as she ascended the stairs, humans in-tow.  I hate her so much!  She has everything … just in the last day, she’s surpassed me by mountains … nothing in this life is fair!  She received personal training … personal, unique training from Inari … the actual Founder Inari … her aunt. Teeth grinding together, she watched …

B3 — 15: A Deal Struck

Bathin sat back in his chair, eyes closed and grin in place as he contemplated his options; he spoke aloud, addressing the uninvited presence in the room.  “Myōbu are on their way—more than one?  If that is the case, then it would be quite a mess for me, but your arrival and recent events paint a desirable outcome.” Opening his …

B3 — 14. Let It Go

Sora shifted to a more comfortable position, resting her tails against her thighs as Wendy worked herself up. “I remember…”  Wendy cut off, her body lowering into the water as she rested her chin against folded arms. “Remember what?” It took a moment for Wendy to vocalize her thoughts.  Her features dropped as she mumbled, “My first memory—I remember my …

B3 — 13. Baby Steps

Wendy stiffened.  “I—I…” she couldn’t get the words out as she stared at Inari. Sora got up and stood in front of her, hand outstretched.  “You don’t have to go alone! I’ll be with you.” She turned to her aunt, “That’s okay, right?” “Baby steps,” Inari nodded. Taking a shuddering breath, Wendy rubbed her eyes before rising to take Sora’s …

B3 — 12. Don’t Be Stupid

Sora shivered as a chill radiated through her body.  I might not always have my mom or aunt … I’ve lived all my life thinking I had to live without them.  It’s not fair, but I guess that’s why she’s teaching me all this … life isn’t fair. “Oh, my adorable little niece,” Inari sighed.  “I wish I had my …

B3 — 11. The Ecstatic Aunt

Sora sat in silence as she listened to the surrounding noise; there weren’t that many people that moved across the beach or ate around the area.  Wendy’s mother seemed to be enjoying the silence as she drank her wine and dined on the expensive food. It’s been a while since I’ve been here … everything’s changed so much for me. She …

B3 — 10. Thrown To The Wolves

Sora swallowed nervously, shifting to view the four humans in her Core.  “Who—wants to go first?” Everyone was silent, but she could feel their emotions radiate.  They’re all anxious to see their families; each of them has a level of reservation … but only Wendy wants to skip it … I understand why.  She pursed her lips.  The adults all …

B3 — 9. Consolidation

Author Note:  Alright, sorry for being so late.  I haven’t even gotten past like 700 words in the next chapter for Patreon.  My grandfather’s been sick all week; between my work schedule, I’ve been taking shifts with my uncle to help my grandparents.  Last night we took him to the hospital after he collapsed on the stairs on top of …

B3 — 8. Yin and Yang

Sora couldn’t help but feel a mountain drop on her shoulders.  “What do you mean: I’m going to help?” Her aunt chuckled.  “Sora, I told you before, I am only an intellectual construct of your aunt; I hold no real power.  I can guide you, but you must be the one to act out the instructions.” She swallowed nervously, shifting …