Chapter 17: Do Your Worst

“Stephen?” Apolline called out in confusion, but whatever else she had to say was stuck in her throat for the man in question had shifted from his place with an incredible display of speed, reappearing next to a weeping Britney whose hands had suddenly shot up, her fingers reaching for Natasha’s unprotected neck. However, she wasn’t surely expecting that a …

Chapter 16: New Friends, New Enemies

They hurried themselves out, not even bothering to open the door, just blowing through it with a kick, courtesy of Stephen. Wooden splinters barreled out before unveiling the forms of Natasha and Stephen who had their faces stretched in seriousness as they hastened towards the source of their friend’s beckoning. Did Frank really find other humans? He had no reason …

Chapter 15: Rooting Out Problems

Stephen lowered his gaze, his hands slothfully tucked inside his pockets. The battle had somehow ended with a one-sided slaughter; Predators 1, Goblins 0; he cackled. The only regrettable tidbit of news was that almost all of the goblins they had killed were unranked, which meant no rewards. They were something akin to civilians, he assumed. It was a wonder …

Chapter 14: Alpha

They started balking off. It was not clear who was the first one to cast away its weapon, but it sure linked the others to follow on its steps in a tumultuous chain of scampering goblins. It was utterly stupid trying to overwhelm those red-eyed humans with sheer number alone. And those who attempted such folly now joined their deceased …

Chapter 13: Of Goblins And Predators

The air was cloaked in a cumbersome whiff of life juices, something the troop of Predators found themselves dearly relishing on as they cozily nested against the wall, goblins’ remains and innards blanketing the rocky ground in a display of sheer savagery, whereupon a crackling fire highlighted the gory mess with its flickering glare. Stephen’s face was stretched in happiness …

Chapter 12: Changes and plannings

“Let’s take them inside.” John offered after a long drawn out pause he availed himself of to reorganize his scrambled thoughts. It was unexpected, yes, considering that they had no desire to make them awaken this soon, but even he realized the dire conditions they found themselves entangled in. Especially after he saw what would have unfolded had they not …

Chapter 11: You Won’t Fear Anymore

The rain was unfruitful in its futile attempt to scuff away the lingering coppery scent that permeated the air. Puddles of crimson fluids and water littered the crummy soil in great quantities as wads of mowed flesh and severed limbs were strewn all over the grassland. The victims were only dozens of goblins, yet the brutality they were wiped out …

Chapter 10: Slaughter

Stephen’s eyes slowly fluttered closed – the nippy cold breeze fondling his hair amidst the rain that drenched his wayward locks, sticking them to the sides of his face – before he snapped them open, resolution blazing within his crimson pools as he shuffled his gaze upon a restless John, “Let’s head back,” his voice tore through the thunderclaps, “It’s …

Chapter 9: Rank 1? Status?

“How did you do that?” Stephen’s voice was laced with unrestrained curiosity and excitement, something deeply shared by John who looked at the red-haired beautiful woman gratefully. The Orc had fallen onto the ground, slightly squirming, but its life was already slowly slipping away from each spurt of blood that sprinkled out of its wound. “I… I don’t know?” Natasha …

Chapter 8: A Close Call

For an instant, all the cluster of noises ebbed away in his ears, leaving the spotlight for his thumping heart that echoed out with unnatural timbre in his head. Were they about to die? Stephen’s face buckled up in bitterness and fright, with not a small dose of unwillingness. The monster in front of them was exuding an aura laced …