Chapter 22: Dirty business (3)

A lone solitary figure floated quietly above the city skyline glowing brightly, the light of the moon mingling with its own light to obscure him from view. One would find it difficult to determine whether that figure was male or female for its beauty was otherworldly. Its long silver hair sparkled in the moonlight and fell like ripples down its …

Chapter 21: Dirty business (2)

“There’s a secret to opening this door, hold on I’ll take care of it.” Roderan walked over to the large metal doors and began fidgeting with them, inserting one of his hands into a hole while fiddling around with a dial with his other one. “Alright, now push here….” A low clicking sound could be heard and Roderan had a …

Chapter 20: dirty business

Aleks welcomed the midnight air despite the horrid stench of the alleyway. For his ambition, some slight discomfort was a negligible concern. For he believed that his eyes saw farther than the ignorant masses that dwelled upon the earth in their trivial pursuits and meaningless lives. It wasn’t that he scorned life, but he understood that the lives of the …

Chapter 19: an old tale

While Roderan was completing the mission that Aleks had given him, Aleks was busily regaling Lenia with an old tale. One which she seemed very eager to hear, much like a child eagerly awaiting a story from their father. “A long time ago, there were once two brave and charismatic young men who sought to defy the gods. Well, much more …

Chapter 18: Soul puppet (2)

(Roderan’s P.O.V.) “What happened to Urie and Hessoff?” Roderan had returned to Don Jesef as per his new master’s instructions and was being questioned by the Don. “Both are dead Don Jesef, we were ambushed by Don Gregorio and his men. It was a trap, and it is also very likely that they must have been the ones who attacked …

Chapter 17: soul puppet (1)

(Lenia’s P.O.V.) “How did you know that they would follow me?” Lenia’s voice was wavering, she had after all just witnessed her master end the lives of three men in mere seconds. Although she didn’t want to feel fear for the one who created her, her voice nonetheless was still shaky. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking especially as …

Chapter 16: A predictable outcome (3)

The strange and flamboyant man carefully observed Lenia to see if there was any recognition in her eyes concerning his name. He found none since Lenia had no idea who he was. This pleased him and it would make things easier. “And what is your name m’lady?” Don Jesef attempted to showcase his charm as he inquired her name. This …

Chapter 15: a predictable outcome (2)

(Lenia’s POV) Left, right, left, and straight! Finally! Lenia was concerned she would lose her way, but thankfully she was capable of remembering everything her master had told her despite it only being once. She was amazed she didn’t get lost and thanked her master for so ably creating her. Lenia didn’t want to fail the very first mission her …

Chapter 14: a predictable outcome

“Aleks….” His new creation was looking at him like a child with a hint of confusion on her beautiful face. No, her perfect face. She will undoubtedly draw the attention of many eyes, but I have made her strong, “What is it Lenia? If you have something to ask of me, then do so. You need not hesitate.” Lenia still …

Chapter 13: first steps

(Lenia’s POV) Being born is not a simple process, but being born from the life of another? The pain was excruciating, but eventually, the pain receded and consciousness was obtained, a new life had indeed been born. She opened her eyes for the first time. Adjusting her newly formed eyes to the light was difficult, but she soon gained focus. It was …