Chapter 3: Blood Rites

Standing in the tent that would contain at least dozens of wounded soldiers by the end of the fight, Rhodovus looked over the small gathering of hedge mages preparing their magics. There was one fancy pure mage who thought like the rest of her kind that the world revolved around her. At most, the woman was capable of minorly sensing …

Chapter 2: A Dump of A Camp

Rhodovus kept on bugging me about writing his story into this as well, so I figured I might as well. Fortunately, the elf had all his stuff written already, and I just had to paste it in. Whew! Don’t ask why he chose to write about himself in the third person… what can I say about arrogant elves?  Thossolarian Rhodovus …

Chapter 1: The Most Terrifyingest Thing I’ve ever Seen

As all journeys do, mine too has a beginning, events that shaped my life along the way, some meaningful, others resulting in regrets that would haunt my dreams for years to follow. However, the one thing I will never regret is the journey itself and the people I met along the way. Each of them shaped the person who I …

Prologue: Greetings

Hey there, if you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you’ve found my little journal. Hopefully, I’m still alive, and this is in some museum out there being upheld as physical proof that a true paragon of adventuring once lived. Actually, I might as well wish that I’m filthy rich as well. Even better would be if I were already back on …