Chapter 16: Shixiong

A court official mumbled, “Isn’t Immortal Master Qiu already… this, this is an evildoer.”    Chen Siru raised his hand, stopping them from continuing, “Do not be rude.”    “Lord Chen, I…” Qiu Yutong felt terribly awkward and simply didn’t know what to say.    “This official still has things to take care of, farewell.” Chen Siru didn’t seem to …

Chapter 15: Evening Meal

Zhang Defu grinned from ear to ear, quickly ushering Qiu Yutong into the room. “Young Master Xue Rong, the evening meal is ready. Please wait just a moment, His Majesty will be here soon.”    Qiu Yutong lowered his head, staring at the vegetables on the table, lamenting inwardly.    Although Lu Xiao was now the monarch of a country, …

Chapter 14: Bathhouse

What was Lu Xiao saying? What lowly, not lowly? Qiu Yutong found it baffling and was inwardly concerned when someone suddenly pat his shoulders.  He was frightened and quickly came back to the present, “Who?” Zhang Defu stood behind him, looking at him with a smile, “Young Master Xue Rong, it’s this slave.” “Oh, it’s you,” Qiu Yutong heaved a …

Chapter 13: Living Together

Qiu Yutong stared, wide-eyed, at the person in front of him It’s so late, why was Lu Xiao here? Wasn’t Pure Frosted Jade* courtyard sealed? [T/N: So I just noticed but the words for Jade (玉桂) also has the word Osmanthus inside it. I’ll be keeping it as the current name as Pure Frosted Jade Osmanthus is too clunky…] Why …

Chapter 12: A Sword Dance

What exactly was this object? Qiu Yutong lay on the short chair beside the window and lifted the tortoiseshell up, observing it carefully under the sunlight.  On that night three days ago, Liu Bitao and himself were thrown into Bailu courtyard’s dried-up well by North Sea* Sword sect’s Tu Wuwei and coincidentally found this piece of tortoiseshell. Only until the …

Chapter 11: Guest

“Meow~ Meow~” Fatty screeched as it used all its strength to twist its fat body, attempting to escape from Qiu Yutong’s evil clutches.  Qiu Yutong felt extremely helpless and could on;y carefully press it down, softly coaxing, “Fatty, behave, help me with this favour and I’ll give you dried fish to eat after, okay?” It was unknown whether Fatty heard …

Chapter 10: Tortoise Shell

Prince Jin gripped Qiu Yutong’s shoulder and said softly, “What this prince said just now were all true. Even though you were born in a brothel and are unable to bear children… But as long as you find that object, you’ve obtained great merit and this prince would never treat you unfairly.” Qiu Yutong brushed away his hand without batting …

Chapter 9: Poison Gu

The clear and cold moonlight passed through the window frame, slanting across Lu Xiao’s face.  His eyes were closed quietly, looking like he had fallen asleep.  It’s just that, in between his heroic and elegant forehead was a deep line, like there was an extremely heavy load on his mind, that caused this young emperor to frown even when he’s …

Chapter 8: Prince Jin

Lu Xiao rigidly stared at the mess, the rims of his eyes were red, his hair dripping water.  He looked like a dog that had been abandoned by its owner in the middle of the heavy rain, unknowing of why he had been abandoned and whether his owner would still come back. He could only unwaveringly grasp onto that last …

Chapter 7: Sword Theft

Nights in late autumn came especially early.  This day, it wasn’t past 7 pm, and it was already getting dark. As the sundial gradually moved west, the sky gradually darkened. Daning Palace was enveloped in the dark night.  Qiu Yutong hid behind a cluster of osmanthus trees outside the palace walls, eavesdropping attentively.  He was waiting for someone.  Waiting for …