Chapter 1967: Swift Resolution, Sentiments, and Nostalgia

Hearing Nobunaga implicitly introducing herself as Vahn’s wife, Lotte, Tully, and the rest of her team were, understandably, at a loss for words. Though there was a lot of discussion regarding the people related to Vahn and the Aldrnari Empire, no substantial information had been regarding any of them. They rarely made public appearances, and, even when people were bold …

Chapter 1966: Crossroads

Having been keeping a close watch, not just on Vahn’s, but of Yuri’s progress, Maschenny was well aware of the seventy-two-hour time period he had allotted for each Floor. She also knew he had a way to drastically increase a person’s power in a remarkably short period of time, so, with the hours counting down towards his inevitable departure, she …

Chapter 1965: Suffocation

After three weeks of meandering through the Middle Tower, Vahn, accompanied by a large group of inordinately beautiful women, arrived on the 60th Floor. This instantly drew the attention of their surroundings, but, after a small incident on the 56th Floor, none of them were foolish enough to try and directly approach Vahn and his entourage. Having committed the names …

Chapter 1964: Rampant

Despite the gag order issued by the Empire, news and speculation pertaining to Vahn were among the hottest topics of the Tower. Every faction was keeping a close eye on his every move, and, as a result of his actions on the lower floors, there were even a number of groups forming beneath the banner of the Aldrnari Empire. Many …

Chapter 1963: Capabilities

Staring down at the little girl that had manifested within his dreamscape, Vahn suppressed his nigh-instinctual urge to caress her head as he remarked, “Those ears and tail suit you…” Hearing Vahn’s remark, Enne, who had previously been looking around his dreamscape with great interest, turned to look up at him, cat-like ears twitching as she said, “Thanks?” in an …

Chapter 1962: Going with the Flow

Though it took a little longer than expected, having the artifact used by the Workshop to access the Frozen Waterfall nearby made things relatively simple. The only reason it took a year to activate the device was due to the fact that the surrounding space was remarkably unstable. Circumventing this required a truly phenomenal amount of energy, so, rather than …

Chapter 1961: Uninhibited

Having resumed his Headon persona, Gluttony stared at Vahn, cerulean eyes blazing as he asked, “How much longer do you intend to remain in the Tower? I’m not in any particular hurry, but I’d rather get this over and done with. Ever since that upstart declared himself King, my children and I have been starving. In ancient times, I would …

Chapter 1960: Revelations

A little more than a week after she had departed, Vahn finally received news that Pram had returned from her journey to the 113th Floor. This was a trip that would ordinarily take several months, if not much longer, but, thanks to her association with the Jahad Army, combined with the fact she was acting at the behest of a …

Chapter 1959: Compression Syndrome

Making the most of his free time, Vahn was watching the girls perform their morning routine with a relaxed smile on his face. This was easily one of his favorite ways to spend the morning, and, while it might not be particularly intense, seeing the girls stretching in little more than sports bras and yoga pants always improved his mood. …

Chapter 1958: Conditioning

Though he didn’t exactly require support, Vahn knew the quickest way to break the Lo Po Bia trio’s delusions was to introduce them to the existing members of his harem. More specifically, he invited Artoria, Fenrir, and Yoruichi to accompany him, each representing one of three distinct sub-factions that had gradually formed among the residents of the Emerald Grove. As …