Chapter 1507: Growth

Though the night wasn’t completely without incident, the children were able to enjoy exploring the Yokai District without obstruction. Rather, the majority of Yokai they encountered, while mischievous, were also very polite and helpful. They happily explained away the children’s curiosities, performing a few small tricks in exchange for small, bean-sized, nuggets of gold. There was even a point where …

Chapter 1506: Awkward : Tensions

With a feeling of incongruity similar to awakening from a very realistic daydream, Vahn awoke to find that he was no longer alone. His vision was partially obstructed by a pair of large, vulpine, ears, and, if the feeling in his lower body was anything to go by, the culprit could only be Tamamo. She had to have delayed her …

Chapter 1505: Thematic Universe

From within the cockpit of his personalized mech suit, Vahn reclined lazily with his feet propped up against the console. Though there were analog controls present, there were secondary and tertiary systems that used the pilot’s brainwaves and an onboard AI to allow for greater ease of movement and proper restraint. After all, even the most advanced mechanical systems could …

Chapter 1504: Stardate 1803.15

From within a circular room lined with sensors and display panels, a handsome man with flowing blonde hair stood somberly atop an elevated command platform. He was attired in a stylish white military dress uniform, complete with accents of gold. Pinned to his breast were more than twenty medals, neatly arranged, and highly polished. He was a veteran of many …

Chapter 1503: Challenger

While the children were enjoying their first taste of ‘another world’, another version of Vahn slowly ascended a set of winding stone steps. There were massive red tori gates framing the entire path, giving any who ventured forth a feeling as though they were passing into another dimension. If you didn’t have an invitation, this peculiar path would lead anyone …

Chapter 1502: Support

Due to the nature of the Yokai District, existing in the ‘in-between’ spaces on the edge of reality, the primary methods of entry were to either wander aimlessly or be invited inside. Yokai were a bit of an exception to this rule, but, unless they had ‘permission’ to stay inside, even they would be unable to venture within for a …

Chapter 1501: Consequences

After explaining the situation to Artoria and the others, Vahn found himself sitting in seiza next to Arcueid. Standing over him, much like a tribunal of judges, Artoria, Rin, and Luvia all had expressions of mild exasperation on their faces. None of them were really surprised about the developments with Mash, as it coincided with expectations. Rather, the main reason …

Chapter 1500: Spiral

In the end, it took an additional six full months for Gaia to reach a level where she was able to walk without the direct support of another person. During this rehabilitation period, nearly every resident of the Inner Sanctum had been given the opportunity to enjoy a much-needed vacation, including Vahn’s ‘students’. This had included Mordred, Mash, Sakura, Zoë, …

Chapter 1499: Small Steps

With the loss of his Sex Divinity, Vahn felt as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He hadn’t lost any of his ‘prowess’, but, compared to before, he now had to put more effort and focus into his partner’s needs. Fortunately, he knew most of their bodies even better than they did, so, while he lost …

Chapter 1498: Restraint

Though they were impossible to distinguish from reality, at a glance, every Marble Phantasm had a few unique qualities depending on the user. In Arceuid’s case, her Marble Phantasm made it so that it was always the night of a full moon. As for Artoria’s, hers was almost the complete opposite as it was always a comfortable spring day, a …