Chapter 1487: Wake

As the flow of time between his internalized Universe and ‘reality’ were completely separate from each other, not even a single second had passed since Vahn forcibly pulled everyone inside. Even the light he had produced had yet to fade, and, though it quickly collapsed, his Void Emperor form was still active. Due to the Mental and Spiritual strain they …

Chapter 1486: Intent

Vahn’s penultimate goal within the Nasuverse was to be able to absorb the planet, or, at the very least, Avalon, into his Soul. He had spent a considerable amount of time in this endeavor, studying the Realms of Arcueid, Illya, Aoko, Tiamat, Azathoth, and, most recently, Artoria. Since the flow of time within a Realm, referred to as a Marble …

Chapter 1485: Truth

With Raikou, Kintoki, Chang’e, Shirou, and Hou Yi present, the Heroes Faction was only missing one contender. Traditionally, this would be Musashi, but, due to the nature of her ‘nothingness’, it was all but impossible to detect her before she appeared. Fortunately, while Musashi might be undetectable through normal means, Vahn had seen her appear within the Flow of Fate. …

Chapter 1484: Might

Hearing Wukong’s rather ridiculous claims, Vahn slowed descended until his feet touched the ground. Immediately afterward, a large eruption of golden light radiated from his body, causing the surrounding array to fracture completely. Each of the runic symbols maintaining its structure went dark, and, by the time the light cleared away, he could be seen standing in his humanoid dragon …

Chapter 1483: Troublesome

After waiting for longer than he would have liked, Vahn was beginning to lose his patience. As a result, he began to slowly increase the amount of pressure his aura put on the array, causing small bands of golden electricity to dance through the void. At the same time, he began to lightly tap the arena with his talon, each …

Chapter 1482: Majesty

Though his increased size made him a much easier target for skilled foes, Vahn was actually quite fond of his Huánglóng transformation. It always made him feel like an untouchable God, and, while he certainly wasn’t immune to damage, the vast majority of attacks couldn’t even reach him, much less cause him injury. Thus, in order to make the most …

Chapter 1481: Terms

While following Danzō deeper and deeper into a complex underground system, Vahn was using his domain and enhanced senses to perform a comprehensive scan of his surroundings. Though there were a number of countermeasures against this, his senses had only ever increased after his arrival in the Nasuverse. Some things were still able to block them, especially if they were …

Chapter 1480: Entering the Forbidden City

Though it was infinitely faster to teleport using Alaya’s assistance, Vahn opted to fly whenever he set out for battle. He enjoyed the sensation of the cold air against his skin, the feel of the wind through his hair, and, most importantly, the rising anticipation he could feel welling within. Even if there was a vast disparity between him and …

Chapter 1479: Tension

Though it paled in comparison to the Supercolonies being constructed by the Empire, several walled cities had already been constructed in the aftermath of The Fall. These were meant to be bastions for humanity, places where chosen survivors could escape the ever-growing population of monsters that now roamed the countryside… A stark contrast to the nearby metropolitan ghost town, one …

Chapter 1478: Dynamic

Time spent with Fenrir was never wasted. By the time Vahn was preparing to head out, his mood had improved considerably. This was something that had never changed between them, so, after dealing with the drama wrought but Shuten, Vahn happily replenished his reserves of Fenrir’s healing energy. As for Hati, she was just a convenient ‘bonus’, one he had …